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Brazil -> Showing all
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No Spot Specified
[1. instans: Odense Skattevæsen]
2002-06-10: Odense skattevæsens revision af indkaldt materiale
[1. instans: Odense Skattevæsen]
2002-09-04: Odense skattevæsens forslag til ændring af skatteansættelse
[1. instans: Odense Skattevæsen]
2002-09-04: Referat fra første møde med Odense skattevæsen 14. august 2002
[1. instans: Odense Skattevæsen]
2002-09-19: Brev til Skattevæsenet - ansøgning om møde
[1. instans: Odense Skattevæsen]
2003-02-05: Afgørelsen og referat af møde med skattevæsenet i Odense
[1. instans: Odense Skattevæsen]
2003-03-30: Klage over skatteansættelsen for indkomståret 2000
[2002: Skattesag om Brasilien-Skamstøtten]
2002.11.07: Kunstnere får nye skatteregler (Jyllands-Posten)
[2002: Skattesag om Brasilien-Skamstøtten]
2003.03.12: Et forsvar for kunstens ulidelige lethed (Fyens Stiftstidende)
[2002: Skattesag om Brasilien-Skamstøtten]
2003.03.12: Galschiøt i skatteklemme - Ingen opbakning fra skatteekspert (Fyens Stiftstidende)
[2002: Skattesag om Brasilien-Skamstøtten]
2004.04.08: Kunst er et godt spørgsmål - Det er ikke kunst, siger loven (Politiken)
[2002: Skattesag om Brasilien-Skamstøtten]
[2002: Skattesag om Brasilien-Skamstøtten]
Email fra jurist Niels Hansen 12. marts 2003
[2002: Skattesag om Brasilien-Skamstøtten]
Et forsvar for kunstens ulidelige lethed - Galschiøts fremstilling af sagen
[2002: Skattesag om Brasilien-Skamstøtten]
Happeningkunstner sejrer over skattevæsenet
[2002: Skattesag om Brasilien-Skamstøtten]
Kunstnernes Beskatning 2004, Dansk Kunstnerråd
[2002: Skattesag om Brasilien-Skamstøtten]
Samlet sagsfremstilling indtil 18. februar 2003
[Links about Brazil]
Human Rights Watch about Brazil
Praça da Leitura
[1996-?: The Pillar of Shame]
PILLAR OF SHAME - A Happening of Remembrance
[1996-?: The Pillar of Shame]
Short about the Pillar of Shame
[1996-?: The Pillar of Shame]
The Pillar of Shame
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
A Pillar of Shame for Pereiro de Melo´s murderers
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Application to the President of the Parliament on the putting up of the Pillar of Shame
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Art Missile Sent towards Brazil
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Brazilian Parliament Debating Pillar of Shame
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Danish Pillar of Shame finds Permanent Site in Northern Brazil
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Dansk Skamstøtte udsat for politisk og byrokratisk benspænd i Brasilien
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Donation of the Pillar of Shame
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Giant Christmas Present for Brazilian Parliament
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Letter to Brazilian parliamentarians
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Nobel Prize of Injustice to be set up in Brazil
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Pillar of Shame in front of Brazilian Parliament
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Text of the Bottom Plate
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The making of the Brazilian Pillar of Shame (13 pics)
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The Pillar of Shame in front of the Parliament - 21.04.2000
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The process of making the Plate to the Brazilian Pillar of Shame (11 pics)
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The São João Batista camp - 24.04.2000
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The trip to Eldorado de Carajàs - Part 1 - 04.05.2000
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The trip to Eldorado de Carajàs - Part 2
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The trip to Eldorado de Carajàs - Part 3
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The trip to Eldorado de Carajàs - Part 4
Town Hall
[1996-?: The Pillar of Shame]
PILLAR OF SHAME - A Happening of Remembrance
[1996-?: The Pillar of Shame]
Short about the Pillar of Shame
[1996-?: The Pillar of Shame]
The Pillar of Shame
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
A Pillar of Shame for Pereiro de Melo´s murderers
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Application to the President of the Parliament on the putting up of the Pillar of Shame
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Art Missile Sent towards Brazil
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Brazilian Parliament Debating Pillar of Shame
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Danish Pillar of Shame finds Permanent Site in Northern Brazil
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Dansk Skamstøtte udsat for politisk og byrokratisk benspænd i Brasilien
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Donation of the Pillar of Shame
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Giant Christmas Present for Brazilian Parliament
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Letter to Brazilian parliamentarians
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Nobel Prize of Injustice to be set up in Brazil
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Pillar of Shame in front of Brazilian Parliament
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Text of the Bottom Plate
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The making of the Brazilian Pillar of Shame (13 pics)
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The Pillar of Shame in front of the Parliament - 21.04.2000
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The process of making the Plate to the Brazilian Pillar of Shame (11 pics)
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The São João Batista camp - 24.04.2000
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The trip to Eldorado de Carajàs - Part 1 - 04.05.2000
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The trip to Eldorado de Carajàs - Part 2
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The trip to Eldorado de Carajàs - Part 3
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The trip to Eldorado de Carajàs - Part 4
[1996-?: The Pillar of Shame]
PILLAR OF SHAME - A Happening of Remembrance
[1996-?: The Pillar of Shame]
Short about the Pillar of Shame
[1996-?: The Pillar of Shame]
The Pillar of Shame
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
A Pillar of Shame for Pereiro de Melo´s murderers
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Application to the President of the Parliament on the putting up of the Pillar of Shame
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Art Missile Sent towards Brazil
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Brazilian Parliament Debating Pillar of Shame
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Danish Pillar of Shame finds Permanent Site in Northern Brazil
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Dansk Skamstøtte udsat for politisk og byrokratisk benspænd i Brasilien
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Donation of the Pillar of Shame
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Giant Christmas Present for Brazilian Parliament
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Letter to Brazilian parliamentarians
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Nobel Prize of Injustice to be set up in Brazil
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Pillar of Shame in front of Brazilian Parliament
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Text of the Bottom Plate
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The making of the Brazilian Pillar of Shame (13 pics)
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The Pillar of Shame in front of the Parliament - 21.04.2000
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The process of making the Plate to the Brazilian Pillar of Shame (11 pics)
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The São João Batista camp - 24.04.2000
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The trip to Eldorado de Carajàs - Part 1 - 04.05.2000
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The trip to Eldorado de Carajàs - Part 2
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The trip to Eldorado de Carajàs - Part 3
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The trip to Eldorado de Carajàs - Part 4
Eldorado de Carajàs
No Spot Specified
[1996-?: The Pillar of Shame]
PILLAR OF SHAME - A Happening of Remembrance
[1996-?: The Pillar of Shame]
Short about the Pillar of Shame
[1996-?: The Pillar of Shame]
The Pillar of Shame
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
A Pillar of Shame for Pereiro de Melo´s murderers
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Application to the President of the Parliament on the putting up of the Pillar of Shame
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Art Missile Sent towards Brazil
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Brazilian Parliament Debating Pillar of Shame
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Danish Pillar of Shame finds Permanent Site in Northern Brazil
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Dansk Skamstøtte udsat for politisk og byrokratisk benspænd i Brasilien
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Donation of the Pillar of Shame
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Giant Christmas Present for Brazilian Parliament
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Letter to Brazilian parliamentarians
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Nobel Prize of Injustice to be set up in Brazil
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Pillar of Shame in front of Brazilian Parliament
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Text of the Bottom Plate
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The making of the Brazilian Pillar of Shame (13 pics)
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The Pillar of Shame in front of the Parliament - 21.04.2000
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The process of making the Plate to the Brazilian Pillar of Shame (11 pics)
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The São João Batista camp - 24.04.2000
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The trip to Eldorado de Carajàs - Part 1 - 04.05.2000
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The trip to Eldorado de Carajàs - Part 2
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The trip to Eldorado de Carajàs - Part 3
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The trip to Eldorado de Carajàs - Part 4
Rio de Janeiro
Flamengo Park
[2012: Galschiot joins Rio Summit and Folkemødet, DK]
Rio: Last day in Flamengo Park
[2012: Galschiot joins Rio Summit and Folkemødet, DK]
Rio: Setting up the sculptures in Flamengo Park
[2012: Galschiot joins Rio Summit and Folkemødet, DK]
Rio: The sculptures at the official summit
[1996-?: The Pillar of Shame]
PILLAR OF SHAME - A Happening of Remembrance
[1996-?: The Pillar of Shame]
Short about the Pillar of Shame
[1996-?: The Pillar of Shame]
The Pillar of Shame
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
A Pillar of Shame for Pereiro de Melo´s murderers
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Application to the President of the Parliament on the putting up of the Pillar of Shame
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Art Missile Sent towards Brazil
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Brazilian Parliament Debating Pillar of Shame
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Danish Pillar of Shame finds Permanent Site in Northern Brazil
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Dansk Skamstøtte udsat for politisk og byrokratisk benspænd i Brasilien
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Donation of the Pillar of Shame
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Giant Christmas Present for Brazilian Parliament
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Letter to Brazilian parliamentarians
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Nobel Prize of Injustice to be set up in Brazil
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Pillar of Shame in front of Brazilian Parliament
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
Text of the Bottom Plate
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The making of the Brazilian Pillar of Shame (13 pics)
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The Pillar of Shame in front of the Parliament - 21.04.2000
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The process of making the Plate to the Brazilian Pillar of Shame (11 pics)
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The São João Batista camp - 24.04.2000
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The trip to Eldorado de Carajàs - Part 1 - 04.05.2000
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The trip to Eldorado de Carajàs - Part 2
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The trip to Eldorado de Carajàs - Part 3
[2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil]
The trip to Eldorado de Carajàs - Part 4