During the WTO conference in Hong Kong, December 2005:

Mad Cow Disease

arouses fierce controversy with authorities

After days of negotiations with an endless series of obstruction from the park manager Jens Galschiot finally succeeded to set up his sculptures in Victoria Park. Perhaps the sculptor´s threat to file a lawsuit against the authorities through the renowned Hong Kong lawyer Albert Ho was decisive.

Three sculpture groups had come to Hong Kong to pinpoint the inequitable world trade. Survival of the Fattest and The Hunger March had already been displayed on various occasions. New was Mad Cow Disease representing a pair of scales, 8 metres high. On one arm hangs a dead cow by its legs, on the other a number of Africans (in copper). The aim of the sculpture is to depict the rich world´s absurd ´madness of subsidies´.

The sculptural outcry has achieved unprecedented coverage in the media, see the selection of links below.

NB: TV footage available by Niller Madsen, nillermadsen@hotmail.com or nillermadsen@mail.tele.dk, mobile: (+45) 40 215 415

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The Golden Calf to the English version of this document   2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong 2006: European Social Forum, Athens to the English version of this document  
Additional Information:
Categories: 2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong | Happenings and Art Installations | 2005: International projects | Activities related to China
Themes: Agricultural subsidies | Criticism of governments | Ecology - sustainable development | Globalisation | Imbalanced wealth distribution | NGO activities | Summits | World trade
Sculptures: Hunger Boys | Mad Cow Disease | Survival of the Fattest
Type: Overview
Dates: 13th December 2005
Locations: Victoria Park, Hong Kong, China
Co-operators and Helpers: Cheuk Yan Lee, Confederation of Trade Unions, Hong Kong | Colette Markus | Gluttergirl, Hong Kong | Hong Kong People´s Alliance | Jun Feng | Lasse Markus | Martin Craggs | Niller Madsen | Werner Breitung, Esperanto Association of Hong Kong
Partners: Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke (Danish Association for International Co-operation)
Related Persons and Entities: Hing-keung Yuen, Park Manager, Victoria Park, Hong Kong | WTO - World Trade Organization
Sponsors: 3F - Trade Union | LO - Association of Danish Trade Unions | Socialpædagogernes Landsforbund / National Federation of Social Educators