The Pillar of Shame in Brazil, 2000

A memorial of the Eldorado massacre

The Pillar is homage to those thousands of peasants engaged in the struggle for the land, and an act of solidarity with the victims of impunity in Brazil. It was exhibited in front of the Parliament in the capital Brasilia on 17 April, the anniversary of the massacre. Thereafter it was erected on its final site in Belém, the capital of the Pará, the federal state where the carnage had taken place.

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1999: The Pillar of Shame in Mexico to the English version of this document   2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil The Pillar of Shame in Berlin to the English version of this document  
Additional Information:
Categories: 2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil | Happenings and Art Installations | 1996-?: The Pillar of Shame
Themes: Criticism of governments | Impunity | Land conflicts | Massacres | Memorial events | NGO activities
Sculptures: Pillar of Shame
Type: Overview
Dates: 17th April 1996 | 2000 | 17th April 2000 | 1st May 2000
Locations: Praça da Leitura, Belém, Brazil | Town Hall, Belém, Brazil | Parliament, Brasilia, Brazil | Eldorado de Carajàs, Brazil | Harbour, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Co-operators and Helpers: Antonio Carlos Magalhães, President of the National Congress, 2000 | Brazilian Bishops | Caio Riela, MP for PTB, 2000 | Edilson A. Assunção | Fernanda Giannasi | Fernando Marroni, MP for PT, 2000 | Helene Gjerding | Kasper Markus | Luis M. Luis | Marcos Rolim, Senator for PT, 2000 | Marina Jakobsen | Movimento Tortura Nunca Mais de Pernambuco | Niller Madsen | Per Østerby | Robert Etches | Rosalina Gauffin | Thomas Frost | Tinku (Mikkel og Doris)
Partners: Edmilson Brito Rodrigues, Mayor of Belém, 2000 | Eunice Pinheiro Alves | Heloísa Helena, Leader of opposition, Senator for PT, 2000 | MST - Movimento Sem Terra | PT - Partido dos Trabalhadores | Senate of Brazil | Town Hall of Belém
Related Persons and Entities: Brazilian Minister of Justice, 2000 | Customs officials in Rio | Odense Skattevæsen
Sponsors: BUPL | DeTrey Dentsply AG, Schweiz | Fredsfonden | Funch Fonden | Gelsted/Kirk/Scherfig fonden | Kultursekretariatet i Odense Kommune | Lysgaard Fonden | Socialpædagogernes Landsforbund / National Federation of Social Educators | Socialpædagogernes Landsforbund i Vejle | Vedstaarup Lerfabrik A/S