Projects -> showing all | browse - [Overview] Projects
- [Overview] Give the Chinese students their history back! - a documentation on 4th June 89
- [Press releases] 2011.05.30: Ahead of the 22th anniversary: Give the Chinese students their history back!
- [Newsletters] 2015.06.03: Giv de kinesiske studenter deres historie tilbage!
- [Newsletters] 2015.06.03: Give the Chinese students their history back!
- [Press releases] 2012.06.01: Ahead of the 23th anniversary: Give the Chinese students their history back!
- [Press releases] 2010.05.28: Ahead of the 21th anniversary: Give the Chinese students their history back!
- [Press releases] 2009.05.28: Ahead of the 20th anniversary: Give the Chinese students their history back!
- [Articles] Læserbrev til Information, sendt 9. juni 2011: En pedantisk og uværdig benægtelse
- [Documents] 2011.05.31: Essay by the Tiananmen Mothers (html format)
- [Documents] 2011.05.31: Essay by the Tiananmen Mothers (PDF format)
- [Links] 2011.06.05: Myten, der ikke vil dø - af Kristoffer Kræn i Information (med debat)
- [Links] Bijspijkercursus geschiedenis voor chinese studenten
- [Links] China and the internet (again) - Posted by Rolf Kleef
- [Links] Remember the square of shame, Manchester Evening News
- [Links] Watching TV - Amused to Death - Roger Waters (YouTube)
- [Links] Website moet Chinese studenten ´verlichten´, OneWorld Netherlands
- [Press releases] 2006.06.01: Give the Chinese students their history back!
- [Press releases] 2007.06.02: Give the Chinese students their history back!
- [Links] CHARTER 08 - an open letter issued by 303 Chinese writers, intellectuals, etc.
- [Links] HK Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements of China
- [Links] Wei Jingsheng Foundation - Chinese Labor Union / ç„¦ç‚¹æ–°é—»æ‘˜è¦ ä¸å›½å›¢ç»“工会网页
- [Links] Amnesty International - General website
- [Links] Amnesty International - Report 2007
- [Links] Amnesty International Hong Kong Section
- [Links] Amnesty International launches global campaign against internet repression
- [Links] Archive for June 4
- [Links] china from the inside - Li Datong, openDemocracy
- [Links] China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group
- [Links] China Labour Bulletin
- [Links] China Support Network
- [Links] China: Amnesty International's Human Rights Concerns
- [Links] Civil Human Rights Front
- [Links] Falun Dafa
- [Links] Falun Dafa i Danmark
- [Links] Gluttergirl, Hong Kong
- [Links] HKSAR Government Information Centre
- [Links] Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor
- [Links] Hong Kong People's Alliance on WTO (HKPA)
- [Links] Hong Kong Voice of Democracy
- [Links] Human Rights in China (HRIC)
- [Links] Human Rights Watch - China and Tibet
- [Links] IFCSS - Independent Federation of Chinese Students & Scholars, USA
- [Links] Independent Chinese PEN
- [Links] Information Center for Human Rights & Democracy
- [Links] Initiatives for China - founded by Yang Jianli
- [Links] Kina-OS och de mänskliga rättigheterna
- [Links] Kinanetværk
- [Links] Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party
- [Links] Reporters Without Borders - China
- [Links] South China Morning Post
- [Links] Support the Tiananmen Mothers
- [Links] The Standard: Microsoft stirs free speech debate
- [Links] Tiananmen Vigil – Remember the victims of the June 4, 1989
- [Links] Tiananmen-massakren - Netværk for Menneskerettigheder i Kina (NMRK)
- [Links] VM-spiller i kamp for menneskerettighederne (amnesty international)
- [Links] Wikipedia: Demonstrationerne på Den Himmelske Freds Plads (1989)
- [Links] Wikipedia: Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements in China
- [Links] Yahoo! & Chinese Censorship
- [Overview] About Human Rights in China
- [Links] 17 Jahre nach Tiananmen - stilles Gedenken in China, Demos in Hongkong
- [Links] 1989-2006 : la mémoire purgée de Tiananmen (Philippe Grangereau, Libération)
- [Links] China arrests demonstrators June 4, 2006, GOP Video
- [Links] China Silent Again on Tiananmen Anniversary
- [Links] China still silent on Tiananmen Square, Cultural Revolution
- [Links] China's Tiananmen secure on June 4 anniversary
- [Links] China: Hong Kong assinala Tiananmen
- [Links] China: Justice denied for those disabled in 1989 Tiananmen crackdown, AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL
- [Links] Chinese Arrest Demonstrators Marking Tiananmen Anniversary
- [Links] Church Leader Talks about Tiananmen Massacre
- [Links] Commemorative activities of the Hong Kong Alliance, 2006
- [Links] Herdenking bloedbad van 1989 in Hongkong
- [Links] Hong Kong holds Tiananmen vigil
- [Links] Internet Keeps Tiananmen Spirit Alive
- [Links] Mütter des Tiananmen verlangen Entschädigung für Opfer des 4. Juni
- [Links] Open Letter to Gao Zhisheng, Chinese Human Rights Advocate
- [Links] Peristiwa Tiananmen Diperingati
- [Links] Place Tiananmen : "des incidents politiques survenus au siècle dernier" selon le régime chinois
- [Links] Protesters in China Remember Tiananmen Massacre After 17 Years
- [Links] Przemilczana rocznica masakry na Tiananmen
- [Links] Quiet Tiananmen anniversary in Beijing, ABC
- [Links] Relatives of dead at Tiananmen seek review, The Associated Press
- [Links] Security tight for Tiananmen anniversary, indymedia
- [Links] Skjerper sikkerheten før Tiananmen-markering
- [Links] Tausende gedenken in Hongkong der Opfer des Tiananmen-Massakers
- [Links] Tens of thousands at vigil, The Standard, HK
- [Links] Thousands gather to mark Tiananmen massacre
- [Links] Tian Anmen 17 anni dopo
- [Links] Tiananmen
- [Links] Tiananmen Mothers Call on China To Reassess 1989 Massacre
- [Links] Tiananmen-massakren - Netværk for Menneskerettigheder i Kina (NMRK)
- [Links] Tiananmen: még mindig tabu KÃnában
- [Links] Tiananmen’in üzerinden 17 yıl geçti
- [Links] Wieder Gedenken an Massaker (taz)
- [Overview] The Tiananmen massacre has not been forgotten! - See the media coverage of commemorative acts 2006
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