The Earth is Poisonous

In co-operation with students and teachers of a grammar school 2500 white crosses were set up on a huge open area. The participants wrote, each on 5 crosses, their views on pollution and their visions for sustainable development.

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1997: The Earth is Poisonous
Additional Information:
Categories: 1997: The Earth is Poisonous | Happenings and Art Installations | Activities related to environment and climate
Themes: Ecology - sustainable development | Schools involved
Sculptures: The Earth is Poisonous
Type: Overview
Dates: November 1997 | 10th November 1997
Locations: Odense, Denmark | Engen, Odense, Denmark | Tornbjerg Gymnasium, Odense, Denmark
Co-operators and Helpers: Christian Lohse, lektor | Knud Erik Langsgård, Sognepræst i Mariager | Margrethe Auken
Partners: Gunna Larsen | Tornbjerg Gymnasium
Related Persons and Entities: Politimesteren i Odense
Sponsors: Den Grønne Fond | Kulturfonden