Agricultural subsidies | Arms control | Arts debate | Award sculptures | Background | Charitable Subscriptions | Childrens rights | Criticism of companies | Criticism of governments | Cultural exchange | Death penalty | Debt cancellation | Development aid | Ecology - sustainable development | Ethical investments | Ethnic conflicts | Facade decorations | Fashion | Free speech | Gastronomy | Globalisation | Hans Christian Andersen | HIV/AIDS | Human rights | Hunger and malnutrition | Imbalanced wealth distribution | Impunity | Indigenous peoples | Land conflicts | Massacres | Medecin for poor counrtries | Memorial events | Money as symbol | NGO activities | Patent rights | Peace - War - Reconciliation | Racism | Refugees | Religion | Schools involved | Sexual education | Social exclusion | Sports | Summits | Torture | Womens rights | Workers' rights | World trade | Agricultural subsidies | Arms control | Arts debate | Award sculptures | Background | Charitable Subscriptions | Childrens rights | Criticism of companies | Criticism of governments | Cultural exchange | Death penalty | Debt cancellation | Development aid | Ecology - sustainable development | Ethical investments | Ethnic conflicts | Facade decorations | Fashion | Free speech | Gastronomy | Globalisation | Hans Christian Andersen | HIV/AIDS | Human rights | Hunger and malnutrition | Imbalanced wealth distribution | Impunity | Indigenous peoples | Land conflicts | Massacres | Medecin for poor counrtries | Memorial events | Money as symbol | NGO activities | Patent rights | Peace - War - Reconciliation | Racism | Refugees | Religion | Schools involved | Sexual education | Social exclusion | Sports | Summits | Torture | Womens rights | Workers' rights | World trade | Agricultural subsidies | Arms control | Arts debate | Award sculptures | Background | Charitable Subscriptions | Childrens rights | Criticism of companies | Criticism of governments | Cultural exchange | Death penalty | Debt cancellation | Development aid | Ecology - sustainable development | Ethical investments | Ethnic conflicts | Facade decorations | Fashion | Free speech | Gastronomy | Globalisation | Hans Christian Andersen | HIV/AIDS | Human rights | Hunger and malnutrition | Imbalanced wealth distribution | Impunity | Indigenous peoples | Land conflicts | Massacres | Medecin for poor counrtries | Memorial events | Money as symbol | NGO activities | Patent rights | Peace - War - Reconciliation | Racism | Refugees | Religion | Schools involved | Sexual education | Social exclusion | Sports | Summits | Torture | Womens rights | Workers' rights | World trade
- Agricultural Subsidies [to the top]
- [2002: Survival of the Fattest] Survival of the Fattest - a sculpture about the world's imbalance
- [2002: Survival of the Fattest] Survival of the Fattest - short description
- [2005: Diary from Hong Kong] 2005.12.09-10: First days in Hong Kong with bother about obstruction
- [2005: Diary from Hong Kong] 2005.12.09-10: First days in Hong Kong with bother about obstruction
- [2005: Diary from Hong Kong] 2005.12.11: First Sunday demonstration
- [2005: Diary from Hong Kong] 2005.12.11: One more day of obstructions
- [2005: Diary from Hong Kong] 2005.12.12: Sculptures finally put up
- [2005: Diary from Hong Kong] 2005.12.12: The sculptures put up
- [2005: Diary from Hong Kong] 2005.12.13-18: Sculptures in Victoria Park
- [2005: Diary from Hong Kong] 2005.12.13-21: Summary
- [2005: Diary from Hong Kong] 2005.12.13: Demonstration on the opening day of the WTO Summit
- [2005: Diary from Hong Kong] 2005.12.18: Final Demonstration
- [2005: Diary from Hong Kong] 2005.12.20: Last day in Hong Kong
- [2005: Global Week of Action] Global Week of Action
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.06: Useful information about Galschiot in Hong Kong (PDF Format)
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.06: Useful information about Galschiot in Hong Kong (Word Format)
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.09-10: First days in Hong Kong with bother about obstruction
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.10: Hong Kong authorities political obstruction against Galschiots sculptures
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.11: First Sunday demonstration
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.12: Mad Cow Decease in Victoria Park
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.12: The sculptures put up
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.13-18: Sculptures in Victoria Park
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.13-21: Summary
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.13: Demonstration on the opening day of the WTO Summit
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.13: Happening Tuesday 13th Dec. at Victoria Park (PDF Format)
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.13: Happening Tuesday 13th Dec. at Victoria Park (Word Format)
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.15: Summary of events
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.18: Final Demonstration
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.20: Last day in Hong Kong
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong during WTO Conference
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke: WTO Hongkong 2005
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] SF: Postkort fra Hong Kong
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] WTO leaflet - inside (good medium quality, 7,6 MB)
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] WTO leaflet - inside (PDF printing quality, 42,6 MB)
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] WTO leaflet - inside (web quality, 0,7 MB)
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] WTO leaflet - outside (good medium quality, 6,1 MB)
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] WTO leaflet - outside (PDF printing quality, 25.9 MB)
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] WTO leaflet - outside (web quality, 0,5 MB)
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] 2006.04.28: Sculptural outcry in Athens
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] 2006.04.28: Sculptural outcry in Athens (PDF format)
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] 2006.05.04: Globalized inspiration (PDF format)
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] 2006: European Social Forum, Athens
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] A sculptural outcry
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] Athens Aphorisms, April 2006
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] Greek newspapers interview with Jens Galschiot
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] Indian film festival uses Galschiots sculptures from Hong Kong
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] Inside of leaflet (high resolution, 2.3 MB)
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] Inside of leaflet (PDF format, 253 KB)
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] Outside of leaflet (high resolution, 5.0 MB)
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] Outside of leaflet (PDF format, 354 KB)
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] The AIDOH girls' Friday comment: They are all here
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] The AIDOH girls Saturday comment: Social Forum in Athens - a sculptural war zone
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] The sculptures just arrived
- [2006: PHOTOS of the sculptures at the ESF, Athens] PHOTOS of the sculptures at the ESF, Athens 2006
- [Jens Galschits klummer til Effektivt Landbrug] 2005.12.12: Frste indtryk af holdningen til WTO
- [Jens Galschits klummer til Effektivt Landbrug] 2005.12.13: Frankrig og retfrdigheden
- [Jens Galschits klummer til Effektivt Landbrug] 2005.12.14: Fair trade - eller beskyttende subsidier?
- [Jens Galschits klummer til Effektivt Landbrug] 2005.12.15: Ndesls dom over WTO
- [Jens Galschits klummer til Effektivt Landbrug] 2005.12.16: Indisk professor gr ind for selvforsyning med fdevarer
- [Jens Galschits klummer til Effektivt Landbrug] 2005.12.19: Topmdet lukker og slukker
- [World Trade - a collection of links] Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke: WTO Hongkong 2005
- [Writings by Jens Galschiot] Greek newspapers interview with Jens Galschiot
- Arms Control [to the top]
- Arts Debate [to the top]
- [1. instans: Odense Skattevsen] 1. instans: Odense Skattevsen
- [1. instans: Odense Skattevsen] 2003-02-05: Afgrelsen og referat af mde med skattevsenet i Odense
- [1991: Arabic Clothing] Kunstkommentar: Bedende araber (Lokalavisen)
- [1993: My Inner Beast] Kunstkommentar: Min Indre Svinehund (Lokalavisen)
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] The Battle of the Pillar - Chaotic Art (28.05.98)
- [2. instans: Skatteankenvnet i Odense] 2. instans: Skatteankenvnet i Odense
- [2. instans: Skatteankenvnet i Odense] 2003.03.31: Klage over Odense Skattevsens afgrelse
- [2. instans: Skatteankenvnet i Odense] 2003.12.01: Skatteankenvnets forslag
- [2. instans: Skatteankenvnet i Odense] 2004.01.09: Indsigelse mod forslag til afgrelse
- [2. instans: Skatteankenvnet i Odense] 2004.02.16: Skatteankenvnets afgrelse
- [2002: Skattesag om Brasilien-Skamsttten] 2002.11.07: Kunstnere fr nye skatteregler (Jyllands-Posten)
- [2002: Skattesag om Brasilien-Skamsttten] 2003.03.12: Galschit i skatteklemme - Ingen opbakning fra skatteekspert (Fyens Stiftstidende)
- [2002: Skattesag om Brasilien-Skamsttten] 2004.04.08: Kunst er et godt sprgsml - Det er ikke kunst, siger loven (Politiken)
- [2002: Skattesag om Brasilien-Skamsttten] Brasilien-sagen
- [2002: Skattesag om Brasilien-Skamsttten] Happeningkunstner sejrer over skattevsenet
- [2002: Skattesag om Brasilien-Skamsttten] Kunstnernes Beskatning 2004, Dansk Kunstnerrd
- [2002: Skattesag om Brasilien-Skamsttten] Samlet sagsfremstilling indtil 18. februar 2003
- [2002: Survival of the Fattest] Kunstkommentar: Justitia (Survival of the Fattest - Lokalavisen))
- [2002: The Hunger March] Kunstkommentar: Hungermarchen (Lokalavisen)
- [2004: Jeg anklager - bog af Erik Meistrup] 2004.05.21: Michael Enggaard i Jyllands-Posten: Skulpturkamp
- [2004: Jeg anklager - bog af Erik Meistrup] 2004: Leo Tandrup i Politiken: Hornungs horrible hakken p Galschit
- [2004: Jeg anklager - bog af Erik Meistrup], Lene Nordberg Eriksen og Thore Hammer Eriksen
- [2004: Jeg anklager - bog af Erik Meistrup] Bogen Jeg anklager som pdf-fil (8,5 MB)
- [2004: Jeg anklager - bog af Erik Meistrup] Christian Tang i Kunstavisen: Anklage uden endeligt bevis
- [2004: Jeg anklager - bog af Erik Meistrup] Fagboginfo
- [2004: Jeg anklager - bog af Erik Meistrup] Fyens Stiftstidende, Poul Fruensgaard
- [2004: Jeg anklager - bog af Erik Meistrup] Fdselsdag og bog-reception (PDF)
- [2004: Jeg anklager - bog af Erik Meistrup] Jeg anklager - Erik Meistrups bog om Jens Galschit
- [2004: Jeg anklager - bog af Erik Meistrup] Julie M. Callesen anmelder bogen p Kultunaut
- [2004: Jeg anklager - bog af Erik Meistrup] Korte avis-notitser
- [2004: Jeg anklager - bog af Erik Meistrup] Kunst under hammeren, Preben Juul Madsen
- [2004: Jeg anklager - bog af Erik Meistrup] Lars Svanholm - Politisk indignation i plastisk form
- [2004: Jeg anklager - bog af Erik Meistrup] Lektrudtalelse, Jrgen Bartholdy
- [2004: Jeg anklager - bog af Erik Meistrup] Leo Tandrup i Kunstavisen
- [2004: Jeg anklager - bog af Erik Meistrup] Magasinet Kunst, Ole Lindboe: Kunstneren som offentlig anklager
- [2004: Jeg anklager - bog af Erik Meistrup] Midtjyllands Avis, Steffen Lange: Havkatten Galschit
- [2004: Jeg anklager - bog af Erik Meistrup] Per Christensen i Dagbladet Arbejderen: Galschit fylder 50
- [2004: Jeg anklager - bog af Erik Meistrup] Politiken - Peter Michael Hornung: Politianmeldelse vs. kunstanmeldelse
- [2004: Jeg anklager - bog af Erik Meistrup] Weekend Avisen, Daniel Øhrstrm: Forsvar for Svinehundens fader
- [2005-2014: Balancing Act - a Sculptural Manifestation on Sustainability] Kunstkommentar: Balanceakten (Lokalavisen)
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] Greek newspapers interview with Jens Galschiot
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] The AIDOH girls Saturday comment: Social Forum in Athens - a sculptural war zone
- [2007: In the Name of God] Kunstkommentar: I Guds navn (Lokalavisen)
- [2009: Agnese Baumane, Latvia] Agnese Baumane, Latvia
- [2009: Agnese Baumane, Latvia] Disclosure of Humanism in Danish sculptor Jens Galschit`s artworks
- [2009: Agnese Baumane, Latvia] Humanisma izpausmes danu telnieka Jensa Galeta darbos
- [2009: Agnese Baumane, Latvia] Telefoninterview med Jens Galschit
- [2009: Seven Meters] 2009.12.10: Debat om klimakunst i Smagsdommerne, DR2
- [2011 Newsletters] 2011.09.22: H. C. Andersen skulpturen skal begraves
- [2011 Newsletters] 2011.10.06: H.C.A.s begravelse, media over hele kloden omtaler begivenheden
- [2011: Ending Homelessness] Homeless Street Art By Michael Aaron Williams
- [2011: Ending Homelessness] Kunstkommentar: Hjemlse (Lokalavisen)
- [2011: Galschit i Smagsdommerne] 2011.04.07: Galschit i Smagsdommerne sammen med Leonora Christina Skov og Nikolaj Scherfig
- [2011: Galschit i Smagsdommerne] 2011.04.07: Jens Galschit er smagsdommer sammen med Leonora Christina Skov og Nikolaj Scherfig
- [2011: Galschit i Smagsdommerne] 2011.04.07: Se udsendelsen her
- [2011: Galschit i Smagsdommerne] 2011.05.12: Galschit i Smagsdommerne sammen med Caroline Henderson og Kaspar Colling Nielsen
- [2011: Galschit i Smagsdommerne] 2011.05.12: Sammen med musiker Caroline Henderson og forfatter Kaspar Colling Nielsen (
- [2011: Galschit i Smagsdommerne] 2011.05.12: Se udsendelsen her
- [2011: Galschit i Smagsdommerne] 2011.09.29: SMAGSDOMMERNE: Jens Galschit sammen med Mmarijana Jankovic og Lilian Roesing
- [2011: Galschit i Smagsdommerne] 2011: Galschit i Smagsdommerne
- [2011: Galschit i Smagsdommerne] Smagsdommernes hjemmeside
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 09. Der lgges blomster ved H.C. Andersen p Flakhaven
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 10. H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn - Serie 1
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 1011.10.08: Begravelsesprocessionen (Odense Ser Rdt, fuld strrelse 1064 MB)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 1011.10.08: Begravelsesprocessionen (Odense Ser Rdt, reduceret strrelse 319 MB)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 11. H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn - Serie 2
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 12. H.C. Andersen druknet i Odense havn
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 13. H.C. Andersen bryder isen
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 14. H.C. Andersen skadet p hoved og nakke
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.08.24: Brnden er jo ikke rigtig, fin kunst (Fyens Stiftstidende - PDF-format)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.08.24: Forsiden af Fyens Stiftstidende, 2. sektion (PDF-format)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.08.24: Fortllerbrndens historie (Fyens Stiftstidende - PDF-format)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.09.22: H. C. Andersen skulpturen skal begraves
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.09.23: Galschit begraver H.C. Andersen (P4 Fyn)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.09.23: Galschit begraver sin fortllerbrnd (
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.09.24: Graffiti kan ogs vre kunst (
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.09.26: Program og opdate
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.09.27: Begraver skulptur til 1,5 million kroner i Odense havn (html-format)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.09.27: H.C.Andersen bliver smidt i Odense Havn (TV2-Nyhederne)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.09.27: Hans Christian Andersen burial in Odense harbour
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.09.27: Sepultura de Hans Christian Andersen en el puerto de Odense
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.09.28: Galschit: Der gik Odense i den (Ugeavisen)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.09.29: H. C. Andersen begraves i havnen (Arbejderen)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.03: Hans Christian Andersen burial in Danish harbour (
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.03: Interview with Jens Galschiot about giving up the Storytellers Fountain
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.04: Andersenov kip bodo pokopali v morju (TSmedia, Slovenia)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.04: Autor potop Andersenovu sochu do moře. Natruc radnici (
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.04: Hans Christian Andersen statue to be buried in harbour (The Guardian)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.04: Skuffet skulptr vil snke H. C. Andersen i havnen (Politiken)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.04: Vr med til H. C Andersens begravelse p Odense Havn (Havne & Skibsfart)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.05: Eventyrdigter skal begraves i Odense (Jyllands-Posten)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.05: HC Andersen-staty snks ner i hamn (
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.05: Pomnik Andersena zostanie zatopiony w duńskiej zatoce (PAP)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.05: Skuffet kunstner vil senke H. C Andersen i havet (Aftenposten)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.05: Umělec chce utopit sochu Andersena v moři (Lidovky)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.05: Zatopić Andersena (
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.06: H.C.A.s begravelse, media over hele kloden omtaler begivenheden
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.06: Književni koktel (, Croatia)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.07: H.C. Andersen skal begraves i havnen ( - Deltag i debatten!)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.07: H.C.A.s begravelse, Vigga Bro holder begravelsestalen
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.07: HCA-begravelse gr verden rundt (TV 2/FYN)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.07: Jens Galschits lserbrev i Fyens Stiftstidende: Uanstndig forvrngning
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.07: Morgen wird H. C. Andersen in Odense bei Freibier versenkt (Der Nordschleswiger)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.08: H.C. Andersen begravelses-happening i Odense 8. okt. 2011 (
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.08: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense Havn (P4 Fyn)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.08: H.C. Andersen blev krt vk fra Flakhaven (
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.08: Havn har ikke givet tilladelse til begravelse (med flere videoer - TV2 Fyn)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.08: Interview med Jens Galschit (TV2Fyn)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.08: Kulturpolitiker om H.C. Andersen i havnen: Det er da sjovt (Politiken)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.08: Odenseaner kastede statue af H.C. Andersen i havnen (Politiken)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.09: 2-3000 til begravelse (P4 Fyn)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.09: 2-3000 to the funeral (National Danish Radio)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.09: H.C Andersens begravelse (Piraten Fjolle)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.09: H.C. Andersen begravet i Odense (med stor billedserie, af KREBS )
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.09: Skulpturen kom, s og sank (
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.10: HCA I HAVNEN. Der er ikke tale om et eventyr (Politiken)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.10: Galschit politianmeldes ikke (P4 Fyn)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.10: H.C. Andersen str i vejen i havnen (
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.11: 2-3.000 mennesker var med til at drukne H.C. Andersen
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.11: 2-3000 people witnessed the drowning of Hans Christian Andersen
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.13: Galschtts selvfedme (af Lars Bjdstrup i Fyns Amts Avis)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] 2011.10.21: Hans Christian Andersen and sculpture as public protest, by Philip Lee
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] Etiket til gravl fra (PDF-format)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] Invitation to the funeral
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] Lena Bjrns tale
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] Meld dig til begivenheden p Facebook
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] Myten om at der ikke er penge og folkelig opbakning bag Fortllerbrnden
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] Om begravelses-ceremonien den 8. oktober 2011 (PDF-format)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] Pjece om beravelses-ceremonien som uddeles til byens borgere (PDF-format)
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] The Fairy Tale Speach
- [2011: H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn] Tv-video om happeningen og baggrunden for Fortllerbrnden
- [2011: Kunstnergruppen FLASH-BACK] 2011: Kunstnergruppen FLASH
- [2011: Kunstnergruppen FLASH-BACK] FLASH-BACKs hjemmeside
- [2011: Kunstnergruppen FLASH-BACK] FLASH_BACK-Manifest
- [2011: Kunstnergruppen FLASH-BACK] Koncept for udstillingen
- [2011: Kunstnergruppen FLASH-BACK] Medlemmer af Flash
- [2011: Kunstnergruppen FLASH-BACK] Vedtgter for FLASH-BACK
- [2011: Ugeavisens malekonkurrence] 2011.09.28: Galschit: Der gik Odense i den (Ugeavisen)
- [2012: H.C. Andersen i en queer tid] 2012.07.04: Bandlyste bryster: H.C. Andersen-statue udvist af golfklub
- [2012: H.C. Andersen i en queer tid] 2012.07.04: Frken H.C. Andersen flyttet efter klage (P4 Fyn)
- [2012: H.C. Andersen i en queer tid] 2012.07.05: Debat om skulptur: Lserne rasende p golfklub (Fyens Stiftstidende)
- [2012: H.C. Andersen i en queer tid] 2012.07.05: Golfklub: Brysterne var bare for meget (Ekstra Bladet)
- [2012: Soloudstilling p Randers Kunstmuseum] 2012.04.18: Galschit i ny rolle p kunstmuseet ( - PDF-format)
- [2012: Soloudstilling p Randers Kunstmuseum] 2012.04.20: Galschit-udstilling, seminar og fest (Arbejderen - PDF-format)
- [2012: Soloudstilling p Randers Kunstmuseum] 2012.04.20: Gravide teenagere bliver korsfstet (Randers Amtsavis)
- [2012: Soloudstilling p Randers Kunstmuseum] 2012.04.20: Jeg er i bund og grund en pladderhumanist (Randers Amtsavis - PDF-format)
- [2012: Soloudstilling p Randers Kunstmuseum] 2012.04.20: Kunstner med kulr (Randers Amtsavis - PDF-format)
- [2012: Soloudstilling p Randers Kunstmuseum] 2012.04.21: De kaldte det damp (FyensStiftstidende - PDF-format)
- [2012: Soloudstilling p Randers Kunstmuseum] 2012.04.24: 7 skarpe til G. Hvidberg-Hansen, overinspektr v. Fyns Kunstmuseum (FS - PDF-format)
- [2012: Soloudstilling p Randers Kunstmuseum] 2012.04.24: Galschit er en ener i Danmark (FyensStiftstidende - PDF-format)
- [2012: Soloudstilling p Randers Kunstmuseum] 2012.04.27: Virkningsfuld klichkunst (FyensStiftstidende - PDF-format)
- [2012: Soloudstilling p Randers Kunstmuseum] 2012.04.28: Polsk kunstner laver rav i Berlin (Politiken - PDF-format)
- [2012: Soloudstilling p Randers Kunstmuseum] 2012.05.01: Politiske brandtaler stbt i bronze (
- [2012: Soloudstilling p Randers Kunstmuseum] 2012.05.10: Aktivist p museum (
- [2012: Soloudstilling p Randers Kunstmuseum] 2012.06.21: Svinehunden galper stadig (Politiken, PDF-format)
- [2012: Soloudstilling p Randers Kunstmuseum] Den aktivistiske billedhugger - af Torben Weirup, kunstkritiker
- [2012: Soloudstilling p Randers Kunstmuseum] Verdens brndpunkter i skulpturel fortolkning (Kunstavisen maj/juni 2012)
- [2013: Galschit udstiller i Albertslund ] Kunstkommentar: Balanceakten (Lokalavisen)
- [2013: Galschit udstiller i Albertslund ] Kunstkommentar: Bedende araber (Lokalavisen)
- [2013: Galschit udstiller i Albertslund ] Kunstkommentar: En installation om monoteismens dogmer (Lokalavisen)
- [2013: Galschit udstiller i Albertslund ] Kunstkommentar: Har I hrt det har I set det? (Lokalavisen)
- [2013: Galschit udstiller i Albertslund ] Kunstkommentar: Hjemlse (Lokalavisen)
- [2013: Galschit udstiller i Albertslund ] Kunstkommentar: Hungermarchen (Lokalavisen)
- [2013: Galschit udstiller i Albertslund ] Kunstkommentar: I Guds navn (Lokalavisen)
- [2013: Galschit udstiller i Albertslund ] Kunstkommentar: Justitia (Survival of the Fattest - Lokalavisen))
- [2013: Galschit udstiller i Albertslund ] Kunstkommentar: Min Indre Svinehund (Lokalavisen)
- [2013: Informations-kampagne om Fundamentalism] 2013.04.23: Orientering til Folketingets medlemmer om status for projektet her og nu
- [2013: Informations-kampagne om Fundamentalism] Svar fra de danske kunstmuseer
- [2015 Newsletters] 2015.02.16: Jens Galschit om kunst og attentaterne i Kbenhavn
- [2015 Newsletters] 2015.02.20: Religious Fundamentalism-art is a crowd-puller in Denmark
- [2015 Newsletters] 2015.02.20: Religis Fundamentalism er et tillbstykke i Silkeborg
- [2015 Newsletters] 2015.03.16: Debatmde om kunst og politik p Silkeborg Bad
- [2015 Newsletters] 2015.03.31: Exclusive presentation of Danish Fundamentalism sculpture
- [2015 Newsletters] 2015.06.27: Lyberth og Strubesangerne - Art Crowdfunding
- [2015: 550 plus 1 - En skulptur om prostitution og menneskehandel] 2015.03.06: Reportage fra billedhuggeren Jens Galschits galleri (Magasinet KUNST)
- [2015: FUNDAMENTALISM udstilles p Silkeborg Bad] 2015.02.15: Han insisterer p at rbe hele verden op (FyensStiftstidende)
- [2015: FUNDAMENTALISM udstilles p Silkeborg Bad] 2015.02.16: Man skaber ikke dialog ved at mobbe sine modstandere (Galschit i Midtjyllands Avis)
- [2015: FUNDAMENTALISM udstilles p Silkeborg Bad] 2015.02.17: Galschits tale p Flakhaven (tv2fyn)
- [2015: FUNDAMENTALISM udstilles p Silkeborg Bad] 2015.02.18: Kunstner fler frygt efter terrorhandling (Lolland-Falsters Folketidende)
- [2015: FUNDAMENTALISM udstilles p Silkeborg Bad] 2015.02.20: Religious Fundamentalism-art is a crowd-puller in Denmark
- [2015: FUNDAMENTALISM udstilles p Silkeborg Bad] 2015.02.20: Religis Fundamentalism er et tillbstykke i Silkeborg
- [2015: FUNDAMENTALISM udstilles p Silkeborg Bad] 2015.02.26: Overraskede over historien bag Den indre Svinehund (FyensStiftstidende)
- [2015: FUNDAMENTALISM udstilles p Silkeborg Bad] 2015.03.12: Kunst til debat (Midtjyllands Avis)
- [2015: FUNDAMENTALISM udstilles p Silkeborg Bad] 2015.03.16: Debatmde om kunst og politik p Silkeborg Bad
- [2015: FUNDAMENTALISM udstilles p Silkeborg Bad] 2015.03.18: Provokation eller dialog? - Jens Galschits svar p Merete Byes debatindlg
- [2015: FUNDAMENTALISM udstilles p Silkeborg Bad] 2015.03.31: Exclusive presentation of Danish Fundamentalism sculpture
- [2015: Isbjrn spiddet i Paris] 2015.03.06: Reportage fra billedhuggeren Jens Galschits galleri (Magasinet KUNST)
- [2015: Isbjrn spiddet i Paris] 2015.07.03: Can Art Crowdfunding support controversial art?
- [2015: Isbjrn spiddet i Paris] 2015.07.03: Kan Art Crowdfunding redde den vilde kunst?
- [2015: Rasmus og mongolerne] 2015.06.27: Lyberth og Strubesangerne - Art Crowdfunding
- [3. instans: Landsskatteretten] 2004.05.10: Klage til Landsskatteretten
- [3. instans: Landsskatteretten] 2005.02.03: Forslag til afgrelse fra Landsskatterettens kontor
- [3. instans: Landsskatteretten] 2005.03.16: Christen Ambys begring om retsmde
- [3. instans: Landsskatteretten] 2005.09.07: Manuskript til retsmde
- [3. instans: Landsskatteretten] 2005.09.23: Landsskatterettens kendelse
- [3. instans: Landsskatteretten] 3. instans: Landsskatteretten
- [About Jens Galschiot] 2015.02.15: Han insisterer p at rbe hele verden op (FyensStiftstidende)
- [About Jens Galschiot] 2015.02.17: Galschits tale p Flakhaven (tv2fyn)
- [Art Crowdfunding] 2015.07.03: Can Art Crowdfunding support controversial art?
- [Art Crowdfunding] 2015.07.03: Kan Art Crowdfunding redde den vilde kunst?
- [Debate forum - In the Name of God] Two Danish artists create media hype using politics, religion and poverty - Matilde Digmann
- [Free E-books] 2011: Ind i kroppen og op i hovedet - af fem RUC-studerende (PDF-format, 75 sider, 2MB)
- [Free E-books] Bogen Jeg anklager som pdf-fil (8,5 MB)
- [Gallery Galschiot] 2015.03.06: Reportage fra billedhuggeren Jens Galschits galleri (Magasinet KUNST)
- [MIB-IS in Barcelona] Art pblic, Barcelona: La meva bstia interior
- [Samtlige fotos af H.C. Andersen og Fortllerbrnden] 09. Der lgges blomster ved H.C. Andersen p Flakhaven
- [Samtlige fotos af H.C. Andersen og Fortllerbrnden] 10. H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn - Serie 1
- [Samtlige fotos af H.C. Andersen og Fortllerbrnden] 11. H.C. Andersen begraves i Odense havn - Serie 2
- [Samtlige fotos af H.C. Andersen og Fortllerbrnden] 12. H.C. Andersen druknet i Odense havn
- [Samtlige fotos af H.C. Andersen og Fortllerbrnden] 13. H.C. Andersen bryder isen
- [Samtlige fotos af H.C. Andersen og Fortllerbrnden] 14. H.C. Andersen skadet p hoved og nakke
- [THE CHILDREN OF ABRAHAM ] 2013.05.27: Kunst mod Fundamentalisme (Odense ser rdt)
- [THE CHILDREN OF ABRAHAM ] 2015.03.06: Reportage fra billedhuggeren Jens Galschits galleri (Magasinet KUNST)
- [THE CHILDREN OF ABRAHAM ] 2015.09.12: Europaparlament: Kein Platz fr religis aufgeladene Kunst (
- [THE CHILDREN OF ABRAHAM ] Kunstkommentar: En installation om monoteismens dogmer (Lokalavisen)
- [TV and Radio Documentation] 2009.12.10: Debat om klimakunst i Smagsdommerne, DR2
- [TV and Radio Documentation] 2010.01.12: Hr Jens Galschit p P1 i debat om selvsensur og ytringsfrihed
- [TV and Radio Documentation] 2010.12.05: Per Arnoldi og Jens Galschit diskuterer kunstens rolle (DR2 Deadline, 2. sektion)
- [TV documentary] 1011.10.08: Begravelsesprocessionen (Odense Ser Rdt, fuld strrelse 1064 MB)
- [TV documentary] 1011.10.08: Begravelsesprocessionen (Odense Ser Rdt, reduceret strrelse 319 MB)
- [TV documentary] 2011.10.09: H.C. Andersen begravet i Odense (med stor billedserie, af KREBS )
- [TV documentary] 2015.02.17: Galschits tale p Flakhaven (tv2fyn)
- [Videos about FUNDAMENTALISM] 2013.05.27: Kunst mod Fundamentalisme (Odense ser rdt)
- [Workshops - conferences - speeches] 2005.11.08: Jens Galschit holder foredrag p Randers Kunstmuseum
- [Workshops - conferences - speeches] 2007.03.29: Galschit og Von Hornsleth til debat hos MS
- [Writings about Jens Galschiot] 1997.07.03: Meeting With the Chaotic - by Hannah Haansbk Rasmussen
- [Writings about Jens Galschiot] 2002.11.07: Art in Defense of Humanism: Danny Yeager Interviews Danish Sculptor Jens Galschiot
- [Writings about Jens Galschiot] 2004.05.21: Michael Enggaard i Jyllands-Posten: Skulpturkamp
- [Writings about Jens Galschiot] 2004.08.04: Lene Halm Terkelsen: Kan kunst vlte prsidenter?
- [Writings about Jens Galschiot] 2004: Leo Tandrup i Politiken: Hornungs horrible hakken p Galschit
- [Writings about Jens Galschiot] 2006.03.14: Steen Gades sprgsml til kulturministeren
- [Writings about Jens Galschiot] 2006.03.21: Galschit op i Folketinget (Fyens Stiftstidende)
- [Writings about Jens Galschiot] 2006.05.24: Arte para la discusion. Jens Galshiot, Juan Guzman, Repblica Dominicana (formato PDF)
- [Writings about Jens Galschiot] 2008.10.08, Al-akhbar: About Jens Galschiots sculptures (in Arabic, PDF)
- [Writings about Jens Galschiot] 2009.01.12: Galschit - en kunstner med karakter (Magasinet Kunst)
- [Writings about Jens Galschiot] 2010.03.05: Interview: Svinehunden bor i os alle (Af Daniel hrstrm, Kristeligt Dagblad - PDF)
- [Writings about Jens Galschiot] 2011.10.21: Hans Christian Andersen and sculpture as public protest, by Philip Lee
- [Writings about Jens Galschiot] 2011: Ind i kroppen og op i hovedet - af fem RUC-studerende (PDF-format, 75 sider, 2MB)
- [Writings about Jens Galschiot] 2012.04.21: De kaldte det damp (FyensStiftstidende - PDF-format)
- [Writings about Jens Galschiot] 2012.04.24: 7 skarpe til G. Hvidberg-Hansen, overinspektr v. Fyns Kunstmuseum (FS - PDF-format)
- [Writings about Jens Galschiot] Art pblic, Barcelona: La meva bstia interior
- [Writings about Jens Galschiot] Beauty and the Beast (by Erik Meistrup)
- [Writings about Jens Galschiot] The Lone Dinosaur of Danish Art - by Erik Meistrup
- [Writings about Jens Galschiot] Writings about Jens Galschiot
- [Writings by Jens Galschiot] 2015.02.16: Jens Galschit om kunst og attentaterne i Kbenhavn
- [Writings by Jens Galschiot] Greek newspapers interview with Jens Galschiot
- [Writings by Jens Galschiot] Om kunst og politik
- Award Sculptures [to the top]
- [2001: Ildsjle] Ildsjle - i samarbejde med Center for Frivilligt Socialt Arbejde
- [Hans Christian Andersen prisen] De tre bger 1997 (til H.C. Andersen Festspillene, Lin Hua og Odense Teater)
- [Hans Christian Andersen prisen] De tre bger 1998 (til Gisela Perlet, H.C. Andersen-Centret og New York Storytelling Center)
- [Hans Christian Andersen prisen] De tre bger 1999 (til Annelies van Hees, Folketeatret og Starbright Foundation)
- [Hans Christian Andersen prisen] De tre bger 2000 (til Ghita Nrby, H.C. Andersen Paraden og Rgis Boyer)
- [Hans Christian Andersen prisen] De tre bger 2001 (til Boris Diodorov, Erik Dal og Susse Wold)
- [Hans Christian Andersen prisen] De tre bger 2002 (til Den Lille Havfrue, Jackie Wullschlager og Kirsten Dreyer)
- [Hans Christian Andersen prisen] De tre bger 2003 (til Antanas Markuckis, Niels Oxenvad og Sonia Brandes)
- [Hans Christian Andersen prisen] De tre bger 2004 (til Dronning Margrethe II, Ana Maria Menin og Bruno Berni)
- [Hans Christian Andersen prisen] De tre bger 2005 (til Gnter Grass, A. Film og Sergej Semjonov)
- [Hans Christian Andersen prisen] De tre bger 2006 (til Rumle Hammerich, Jens Olesen og Shi Qine)
- [Hans Christian Andersen prisen] De tre bger 2007 (til Berliner Mrchentage, Boguslawa Sochanska og Ib Spang Olsen)
- [Hans Christian Andersen prisen] De tre bger 2008 (til Aage Jrgensen, Fyrtjet og Enrque Bernrdez)
- [Hans Christian Andersen prisen] De tre bger 2009 (til Pia Kryger Lakha, Ljudmilla Braude og John Neumeier)
- [Hans Christian Andersen prisen] De tre bger 2010 (til Kjeld Heltoft, Marc Auchet og Victory Gardens Theater)
- [Hans Christian Andersen prisen] De tre bger 2011 (til Sven Hakon Rossel, Lisbeth Zwerger og Hans Christian Andersen Park - Japan)
- [Hans Christian Andersen prisen] De tre bger 2014 (til Jacob Bggild, Nikolaus Heidelbach, Diana og Jeffrey Frank)
- [Hans Christian Andersen prisen] Hans Christian Andersen prisen
- Background [to the top]
- [2000: The Messenger and Jubilee 2000] Facts on the debts (Jubilee 2000)
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke: WTO Hongkong 2005
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] 17 Jahre nach Tiananmen - stilles Gedenken in China, Demos in Hongkong
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] China arrests demonstrators June 4, 2006, GOP Video
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] China Silent Again on Tiananmen Anniversary
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] China still silent on Tiananmen Square, Cultural Revolution
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] China's Tiananmen secure on June 4 anniversary
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] China: Hong Kong assinala Tiananmen
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] China: Justice denied for those disabled in 1989 Tiananmen crackdown, AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Chinese Arrest Demonstrators Marking Tiananmen Anniversary
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Church Leader Talks about Tiananmen Massacre
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Herdenking bloedbad van 1989 in Hongkong
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Hong Kong holds Tiananmen vigil
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Internet Keeps Tiananmen Spirit Alive
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Mütter des Tiananmen verlangen Entschädigung für Opfer des 4. Juni
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Open Letter to Gao Zhisheng, Chinese Human Rights Advocate
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Peristiwa Tiananmen Diperingati
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Place Tiananmen : "des incidents politiques survenus au siècle dernier" selon le rgime chinois
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Protesters in China Remember Tiananmen Massacre After 17 Years
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Przemilczana rocznica masakry na Tiananmen
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Quiet Tiananmen anniversary in Beijing, ABC
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Relatives of dead at Tiananmen seek review, The Associated Press
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Security tight for Tiananmen anniversary, indymedia
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Skjerper sikkerheten fr Tiananmen-markering
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Tausende gedenken in Hongkong der Opfer des Tiananmen-Massakers
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Tens of thousands at vigil, The Standard, HK
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] The Tiananmen massacre has not been forgotten! - See the media coverage of commemorative acts 2006
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Thousands gather to mark Tiananmen massacre
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Tian Anmen 17 anni dopo
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Tiananmen
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Tiananmen Mothers Call on China To Reassess 1989 Massacre
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Tiananmen-massakren - Netvrk for Menneskerettigheder i Kina (NMRK)
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Tiananmen: mg mindig tabu Kínában
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Tiananmen’in üzerinden 17 yıl geçti
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Wieder Gedenken an Massaker (taz)
- [2009: Klimadebat i galleriet] ko-net - Netvrket for kologisk folkeoplysning og praksis
- [2009: Klimakrise Nej Tak - ja tak til klimasikring og bredygtighed] ko-net - Netvrket for kologisk folkeoplysning og praksis
- [2011: Bredygtige signaler] ko-net - Netvrket for kologisk folkeoplysning og praksis
- [4th June 89] 2006.06.01: Give the Chinese students their history back!
- [4th June 89] 2007.06.02: Give the Chinese students their history back!
- [4th June 89] 2010.05.28: Ahead of the 21th anniversary: Give the Chinese students their history back!
- [4th June 89] Remember the square of shame, Manchester Evening News
- [4th June 89] Website moet Chinese studenten verlichten, OneWorld Netherlands
- [4th June 89 - Documentation] 4th June 89 - Documentation
- [4th June 89 - Documentation] Articles on suppression and persecution (full size PDF 38 MB, 404 pages)
- [4th June 89 - Documentation] Concerned organizations (full size PDF 15 MB, 366 pages)
- [4th June 89 - Documentation] Newspaper advertisements (full size PDF 29 MB, 468 pages)
- [4th June 89 - Documentation] Newspaper frontpages (full size PDF 88 MB, 538 pages)
- [4th June 89 - Documentation] Photos from Hong Kong (full size PDF 72 MB, 140 pages)
- [4th June 89 - Documentation] Witness Reports on the Democratic Movement 89 - 1. Chinese Part (full size PDF 27 MB, 198 pages)
- [4th June 89 - Documentation] Witness Reports on the Democratic Movement 89 - 2. English Part (full size PDF 25.4 MB, 186 pages)
- [About Human Rights in China] Wei Jingsheng Foundation - Chinese Labor Union / 焦点新闻摘要 中国团结工会网页
- [About Human Rights in China] About Human Rights in China
- [About Human Rights in China] Amnesty International - General website
- [About Human Rights in China] Amnesty International - Report 2007
- [About Human Rights in China] Amnesty International Hong Kong Section
- [About Human Rights in China] Amnesty International launches global campaign against internet repression
- [About Human Rights in China] Archive for June 4
- [About Human Rights in China] china from the inside - Li Datong, openDemocracy
- [About Human Rights in China] China Labour Bulletin
- [About Human Rights in China] China Support Network
- [About Human Rights in China] China: Amnesty International's Human Rights Concerns
- [About Human Rights in China] Civil Human Rights Front
- [About Human Rights in China] Falun Dafa
- [About Human Rights in China] Gluttergirl, Hong Kong
- [About Human Rights in China] Hong Kong People's Alliance on WTO (HKPA)
- [About Human Rights in China] IFCSS - Independent Federation of Chinese Students & Scholars, USA
- [About Human Rights in China] Independent Chinese PEN
- [About Human Rights in China] Information Center for Human Rights & Democracy
- [About Human Rights in China] Initiatives for China - founded by Yang Jianli
- [About Human Rights in China] Kina-OS och de mnskliga rttigheterna
- [About Human Rights in China] Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party
- [About Human Rights in China] Reporters Without Borders - China
- [About Human Rights in China] South China Morning Post
- [About Human Rights in China] Support the Tiananmen Mothers
- [About Human Rights in China] The Standard: Microsoft stirs free speech debate
- [About Human Rights in China] Tiananmen Vigil – Remember the victims of the June 4, 1989
- [About Human Rights in China] Tiananmen-massakren - Netvrk for Menneskerettigheder i Kina (NMRK)
- [About Human Rights in China] VM-spiller i kamp for menneskerettighederne (amnesty international)
- [About Human Rights in China] Wikipedia: Demonstrationerne p Den Himmelske Freds Plads (1989)
- [About Human Rights in China] Yahoo! & Chinese Censorship
- [About Human Rights in Tibet] About human rights in Tibet
- [About Human Rights in Tibet] International Campaign for Tibet (ICT)
- [About Human Rights in Tibet] Stttekomiteen for Tibet
- [Background information on various countries] Background information on various countries
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] Abstinence Double Standard Threatens Girls' Health (AlterNet)
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] Art for Humanity, South Africa
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] Background: Sexual and Reproductive Rights - a selection of links
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] Campaa - por una Convencin de los Derechos Sexuales y los Derechos Reproductivos
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] Catholics for a Free Choice
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] Countdown 2015 Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights for All
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] Den Globale Mundkurv (Sex & Samfund)
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] FAMILY VALUES VERSUS SAFE SEX, by CARDINAL LPEZ TRUJILLO (Vaticans website)
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] Humanae Vitae - Encyclical Letter of His Holiness Paul VI on the regulation of birth, 25 July 1968
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] International Planned Parenthood Federation
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] maaa - Mankind AIDS Arts Awareness
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] Population Action International - PAI
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] Sex & Samfund
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights]
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] WGNRR - Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] Banco Fonder, Sverige
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] BankTrack - a critical eye on the private financial sector
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] Belsif vzw, Belgium
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] CEE Bankwatch Network
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] Corporate Europe Observer (CEO)
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] Corporate Watch, GB
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] CorpWatch, USA
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] Critical Shareholders in Germany
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] Economistas sin Fronteras
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] Ekobanken, Sverige
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] Ethical and Green Shareholders Groups, Australia
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] Ethical Investments - a collection of links
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks (FEBEA)
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] INAISE (International Association of Investors in the Social Economy)
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] Investeringsforeningen Banco
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] Merkur - en bank for bredygtig samfundsudvikling
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] Netwerk Vlaanderen
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] Sustainable Investment
- [Links about Bolivia] "Pachakuti", La Nación, Chile
- [Links about Bolivia] Boliviansk valg med internationale trde (Ibis)
- [Links about Bolivia] Coca-Kintu y Coca-ina
- [Links about Bolivia] Derechos Humanos en Bolivia (Nizkor)
- [Links about Bolivia] El Mensaje de un Gigante que Despierta
- [Links about Bolivia] Evo Morales er ny prsident i Bolivia (
- [Links about Bolivia] Flix Cárdenas tale i Ålborg sep. 94, Tinku Nyt
- [Links about Bolivia] Hay que derruir el Estado y construir uno nuevo - Entrevista con Flix Crdenas, febrero 2007
- [Links about Bolivia] Ibis: Hvad vil Evo?
- [Links about Bolivia] Kritik af trusler mod Bolivia
- [Links about Bolivia] Kulturer forsvinder, kronik af Flix Cárdenas
- [Links about Bolivia] La realidad de la coca
- [Links about Bolivia] Links about Bolivia
- [Links about Bolivia] Morales pisa fuerte - por Franz Chávez
- [Links about Bolivia] Noticias de Bolivia,
- [Links about Bolivia] Página web de Evo Morales / Evo's homepage
- [Links about Bolivia] Revolucin democrtica en Bolivia (Tinku)
- [Links about Brazil] Acciones y movilizaciones en el día de la lucha campesina - 17 de Abril 2006 (Via Campesina)
- [Links about Brazil]
- [Links about Brazil] Human Rights Watch about Brazil
- [Links about Brazil] Links about Brazil
- [Links about Brazil] Movimento Sem Terra (MST) - Jordlse Landarbejderes Bevgelse
- [Links about Brazil] MST - Movimento Sem Terra (Landless Rural Workers Movement)
- [Links about Brazil] Tortura Nunca Mais
- [Links about Mexico] Boldklubben EZLN
- [Links about Mexico] Centro de Derechos Humanos "Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez" - Centre for Human Rights, A.C.
- [Links about Mexico] CLETA, grupo de teatro que tuvo un rol decisivo para erigir La Columna de la Infamia el 1999
- [Links about Mexico] Comisin civil internacional de observacin por los derechos humanos
- [Links about Mexico] Comisin Nacional de Los Derechos Humanos
- [Links about Mexico] Congreso Nacional Indígena
- [Links about Mexico] Coordinamento Zapatista per l'Italia
- [Links about Mexico] Enlace Zapatista: La Otra Campaña
- [Links about Mexico] EZLN - ¡YA BASTA! (
- [Links about Mexico] FRAY BARTOLOMÉ DE LAS CASAS - Centro de Derechos Humanos
- [Links about Mexico] FZLN - Frente Zapatista de Liberacin Nacional
- [Links about Mexico] La Jornada
- [Links about Mexico] Links about Mexico
- [Links about Mexico] Manifiesto: A Diez Aos de Acteal / 10 Years Since Acteal
- [Links about Mexico] Mujeres en Red: Solidaridad con Lydia Cacho
- [Links about Mexico] The history of the Congreso Nacional Indigena (CNI)
- [Links about Mexico] wikipedia: Elecciones generales de Mxico, 2006 - General elections
- [Olympic Games - Beijing 2008] China: Olympic countdown to human rights reform (Amnesty International)
- [Olympic Games - Beijing 2008] Olympic Charter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- [Olympic Games - Beijing 2008] Olympic Games - Beijing 2008
- [Olympic Games - Beijing 2008] Olympic Watch
- [Olympic Games - Beijing 2008] The official website of the Bejing 2008 Olympic Games
- [Reduced format] Articles on suppression and persecution (reduced size PDF 20 MB, 404 pages)
- [Reduced format] Concerned organizations (reduced size PDF 9 MB, 366 pages)
- [Reduced format] Newspaper advertisements (reduced size PDF 14.5 MB, 468 pages)
- [Reduced format] Newspaper frontpages (reduced size PDF 42 MB, 538 pages)
- [Reduced format] Photos from Hong Kong (reduced size PDF 8.3 MB, 140 pages)
- [Reduced format] Witness Reports on the Democratic Movement 89 - 1. Chinese Part (reduced size PDF 13 MB, 198 pages)
- [Reduced format] Witness Reports on the Democratic Movement 89 - 2. English Part (reduced size PDF 13 MB, 186 pages)
- [Sustainable Development - a collection of links] 10-ret for Uddannelse for Bredygtig Udvikling
- [Sustainable Development - a collection of links] 100 months
- [Sustainable Development - a collection of links] CARE Climate Change
- [Sustainable Development - a collection of links] Copenhagen Flood (NOAH)
- [Sustainable Development - a collection of links] Cultural Liberty in Today’s Diverse World
- [Sustainable Development - a collection of links] Danmarks Naturfredningsforening - Milj & Klima
- [Sustainable Development - a collection of links] Education for Sustainable Development - United Nations Decade (2005-2014)
- [Sustainable Development - a collection of links] Ekocentrum, Sverige
- [Sustainable Development - a collection of links] GM Watch
- [Sustainable Development - a collection of links] Idbanken, Norge
- [Sustainable Development - a collection of links] In Search of Shelter - Mapping the Effects of Climate Change on Human Migration and Displacement
- [Sustainable Development - a collection of links] Indicators of Sustainable Development (UN)
- [Sustainable Development - a collection of links] International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development
- [Sustainable Development - a collection of links] lightblueline
- [Sustainable Development - a collection of links] Linkliste zum Thema Nachhaltigkeit
- [Sustainable Development - a collection of links] People's Climate Action
- [Sustainable Development - a collection of links] ReCop 15 - vi lufter ud i klimadebatten
- [Sustainable Development - a collection of links] Sustainable Development - a collection of links
- [Sustainable Development - a collection of links] ko-net - Netvrket for kologisk folkeoplysning og praksis
- [World Trade - a collection of links] BBC: Profile: World Trade Organization
- [World Trade - a collection of links] - everything thats not happening at the WTO
- [World Trade - a collection of links] CSTV - Civil Society TV on WTO in Hong Kong
- [World Trade - a collection of links] Dagbladet Information: Artikelserie om WTO i Hong Kong
- [World Trade - a collection of links] European Trade Union
- [World Trade - a collection of links] Fairtrade
- [World Trade - a collection of links] Fakta om handelshindringer
- [World Trade - a collection of links] Focus on the Global South
- [World Trade - a collection of links] Global Call to Action against Poverty
- [World Trade - a collection of links] Global Exchange
- [World Trade - a collection of links] Global Week of Action
- [World Trade - a collection of links] Gluttergirl, Hong Kong
- [World Trade - a collection of links] GM Watch
- [World Trade - a collection of links] Hong Kong People's Alliance on WTO (HKPA)
- [World Trade - a collection of links] International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development
- [World Trade - a collection of links] Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke: WTO - det globale supermarked
- [World Trade - a collection of links] Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke: WTO Hongkong 2005
- [World Trade - a collection of links] Netvrket for Retfrdig Verdenshandel
- [World Trade - a collection of links] Nyt fra WTO-topmdet i Hong Kong
- [World Trade - a collection of links] Oxfam: Make Trade Fair
- [World Trade - a collection of links] The Standard - Hong Kong newspaper
- [World Trade - a collection of links] Trade Observatory (IATP)
- [World Trade - a collection of links] World Trade - a collection of links
- [World Trade - a collection of links] WTO Ministerial Conference, Hong Kong, 13-18 December 2005
- [World Trade - a collection of links] ko-info: En mere retfrdig verdenshandel - hvordan?
- Charitable Subscriptions [to the top]
- [2004: Flygtninge i 10 meters hjde] Flygtninge i 10 meters hjde
- [2008: Klejner i kassen] 2008: Klejner i kassen
- [2008: Klejner i kassen] AUKTION hos Anja Britt Honors FANGESKAB, blandform/rakubrndt keramik - SOLGT
- [2008: Klejner i kassen] AUKTION hos Annette Falk Lund, et maleri - SOLGT
- [2008: Klejner i kassen] AUKTION hos Dorrit Lillese, Komposition med blomster - SOLGT
- [2008: Klejner i kassen] AUKTION hos Jens Galschits skulptur Gravid engel - SOLGT
- [2008: Klejner i kassen] AUKTION hos Jette Mellgren, unika kurv, dansk kunsthndvrk - SOLGT
- [2008: Klejner i kassen] AUKTION hos John Bonnesen Wolffs komposition - SOLGT
- [2008: Klejner i kassen] AUKTION hos Sanne Gordon. Vedhng samt broche i Sterling slv - SOLGT
- [2008: Klejner i kassen] AUKTION hos Sren Lilliendal Hansen, broche eller pin - SOLGT
- [2008: Klejner i kassen] BYD HER p sidste vrk p AUKTIONen hos Ove Torp, 'Hb isr'
- [2008: Klejner i kassen] Byd p gavekort til terapi!
- [2008: Klejner i kassen] Kirkens Korshr Odense
- [2008: Klejner i kassen] Kunstnere som har doneret et vrk til velgrenheds-auktionen hos
- [2008: Klejner i kassen] KUNSTNERE! - Donr et vrk til Galschits indsamling til Gadeprsten!
- [2008: Klejner i kassen] Ls mere om indsamlingen Klejner i kassen
- [2008: Klejner i kassen] Sponsorer, hjlpere og andre bidragydere
- [2008: Matin i Rosenhaven 21. december] 2008.12.04: Kulturen er klar med julehjlp, Fyens Stiftstidende
- [2008: Matin i Rosenhaven 21. december] 2008.12.13: Rasmus Lyberth med i sttteshow, Fyens Stiftstidende
- [2008: Matin i Rosenhaven 21. december] 2008.12.22: Matin, omsorg og krlighed, Fyens Stiftstidende
- [2008: Matin i Rosenhaven 21. december] 2008: Matin i Rosenhaven den 21. december
- [2008: Matin i Rosenhaven 21. december] Bagsiden af postkortene til sttte for indsamlingen (PDF, 48 KB)
- [2008: Matin i Rosenhaven 21. december] Fotos til postkortene
- [2008: Matin i Rosenhaven 21. december] Postkort nr. 1 (PDF, 147 KB)
- [2008: Matin i Rosenhaven 21. december] Postkort nr. 2 (PDF, 192 KB)
- [2008: Matin i Rosenhaven 21. december] Postkort nr. 3 (PDF, 189 KB)
- [2008: Matin i Rosenhaven 21. december] Postkort nr. 4 (PDF, 169 KB)
- [2008: Matin i Rosenhaven 21. december] Postkort nr. 5 (PDF, 163 KB)
- [2008: Matin i Rosenhaven 21. december] Postkort nr. 6 (PDF, 206 KB)
- [2008: Matin i Rosenhaven 21. december] Program med de optrdende kunstnere (html)
- [2008: Matin i Rosenhaven 21. december] Sponsorer, hjlpere og andre bidragydere
- Childrens Rights [to the top]
- [1995: The Silent Death - a happening at the UN Social Summit, Copenhagen] 1995: The UN Happening - The Silent Death (PDF Format, 27 MB)
- [1995: The Silent Death - a happening at the UN Social Summit, Copenhagen] The Silent Death - a happening at the UN Social Summit, Copenhagen 1995
- [1996: The Pillar of Shame in Rome - at the FAO Summit] 1996: The Pillar of Shame in Rome
- [1996: The Pillar of Shame in Rome - at the FAO Summit] Photos of the Pillar of Shame in Rome, 1996
- [1996: The Pillar of Shame in Rome - at the FAO Summit] The Pillar of Shame in Rome, FAO Summit, Nov. 96.
- [1998: Civilization] Civilization - A sculpture to OMEPs 50th anniversary, Copenhagen, 1998
- [1999: Brndpunkter] Brndpunkter
- [1999: Colorin Colorado] Colorín Colorado
- [1999: Colorin Colorado] Colorín Colorado indgangsside
- [2000: Hands of Stone] Amnesty International: Hnder af sten i Århus
- [2000: Hands of Stone] Hands of Stone
- [2000: Hands of Stone] Pressemeddelelse 9.11.2000
- [2000: The Silent Death 5 - at the UN Social Summit, Geneva] 'Drop The Dept' - Folder from the art manifestation
- [2000: The Silent Death 5 - at the UN Social Summit, Geneva] Danskerne i Genve - Om topmdet i Genve 2000
- [2000: The Silent Death 5 - at the UN Social Summit, Geneva] Nothing Happened Since Copenhagen
- [2000: The Silent Death 5 - at the UN Social Summit, Geneva] Photos from the Geneva Social Summit 2000
- [2000: The Silent Death 5 - at the UN Social Summit, Geneva] The Silent Death +5 - Activists Pillory the World’s Leaders
- [2000: The Silent Death 5 - at the UN Social Summit, Geneva] The Silent Death 5 years later - at the UN Social Summit, Geneva 2000
- [2001: Just do it - Nike sculpture] 1. The wax model
- [2001: Just do it - Nike sculpture] 2. The casting
- [2001: Just do it - Nike sculpture] 2001.05.04: Dying boy on the main street in Odense
- [2001: Just do it - Nike sculpture] 2001.05.14: Tore arm of dying boy in the Main Street of Odense.
- [2001: Just do it - Nike sculpture] 2002.09.19: Asem4people: Watch out for social justice!
- [2001: Just do it - Nike sculpture] 3. The sculpture - just finished
- [2001: Just do it - Nike sculpture] 4. The sculpture in the pedestrian street of Odense
- [2001: Just do it - Nike sculpture] 5. The sculpture in Odense after being vandalised
- [2001: Just do it - Nike sculpture] CorpWatch - Holding Corporations Accountable
- [2001: Just do it - Nike sculpture] Just do It - Nike sculpture
- [2004: Frida Kahlo] Ofelia Medina
- [2005: Den lille Pige med Svovlstikkerne] 2005.10.26: Pressemeddelelse fra BUPL
- [2005: Den lille Pige med Svovlstikkerne] BUPLs bidrag til komunalvalgkampen 2005: Kunst som kommunikation
- [2005: Den lille Pige med Svovlstikkerne] Debataften om det gode brneliv i Galleri Galschit
- [2005: Den lille Pige med Svovlstikkerne] Den frdige skulptur
- [2005: Den lille Pige med Svovlstikkerne] Den lille Pige med Svovlstikkerne (PDF-format, 415 KB)
- [2005: Den lille Pige med Svovlstikkerne] Den lille Pige med Svovlstikkerne -og mobiltelefonen
- [2005: Den lille Pige med Svovlstikkerne] DET GODE BØRNELIV
- [2005: Den lille Pige med Svovlstikkerne] Fremstilling af model
- [2005: Den lille Pige med Svovlstikkerne] Torvet i Svendborg
- [2006: Creation of the sculpture] 1. Jenni Barron modelling the sculpture In the Name of God
- [2006: Creation of the sculpture] 2. Jens Galschiot modelling the sculpture in wax
- [2006: Creation of the sculpture] 3. Making the silicone mould
- [2006: Creation of the sculpture] 4. Preparing the casting
- [2006: Creation of the sculpture] 5. Casting the sculpture
- [2006: Creation of the sculpture] 6. The sculpture almost finished
- [2006: Inauguration in Copenhagen] Inauguration in front of the Cathedral of Copenhagen
- [2006: Inauguration in front of the Cathedral of Copenhagen] 2006.11.27: Pregnant Teenager Crucified in front of Cathedral (PDF)
- [2006: Inauguration in front of the Cathedral of Copenhagen] 2006.12.21: Crucified Teenager Ignites Debate (PDF)
- [2006: Inauguration in front of the Cathedral of Copenhagen] Bjarne Christensen fra Sex og Samfund holdt tale ved indvielsen foran domkirken
- [2006: Inauguration in front of the Cathedral of Copenhagen] Domprovst Anders Gadegaards tale
- [2006: Inauguration in front of the Cathedral of Copenhagen] Folderen om indvielsen ved domkirken, layout af Martin Craggs (PDF, 2,3 MB)
- [2006: Inauguration in front of the Cathedral of Copenhagen] Gekruisigde zwangere tiener (28.11.06) - Links Ecologisch Forum
- [2006: Inauguration in front of the Cathedral of Copenhagen] Inauguration in front of the Cathedral of Copenhagen
- [2007: Exhibition i Aarhus] The sculpture displayed in front of the Womens Museum
- [2007: In the Name of God] 2006.08.12: Fundamentalismens offer (Fyens Stiftstidende)
- [2007: In the Name of God] 2006: Inauguration in front of the Cathedral of Copenhagen
- [2007: In the Name of God] 2007: In the Name of God - a crucifix against fundamentalism
- [2007: In the Name of God] 2010.10.22: Adolescente gravite crucificate- protest mpotriva abstinenţei? (Curbet Alexandru)
- [2007: In the Name of God] Artista Plstico organiza exposio com esculturas de adolescentes grvidas presas em uma cruz
- [2007: In the Name of God] Concept with photos, 03 January 2007 (PDF, 200 KB)
- [2007: In the Name of God] Concept without photos, 03 January 2007 (html format)
- [2007: In the Name of God] Help us with the project
- [2007: In the Name of God] In the Name of God - A short description
- [2007: In the Name of God] Lars Krabbes remarkable photo series about the creation of the sculpture
- [2007: In the Name of God] Mulheres de Olho: Escultor dinamarqus corre o mundo com adolescentes crucificadas
- [2007: In the Name of God] Udkast til brochure med links til dokumentation
- [2007: Opstillling i rhus] 2007.02.07: Kaffe, kager og korsfstelse (PDF format)
- [2007: Opstillling i rhus] 2007.02.07: Kaffe, kager og korsfstelse (Word format)
- [2007: Opstillling i rhus] 2007.02.14: The Womens Museum in Denmark Grants Asylum to Pregnant Teenager (PDF format)
- [2007: Opstillling i rhus] 2007.02.14: The Womens Museum in Denmark Grants Asylum to Pregnant Teenager (Word format)
- [2007: Opstillling i rhus] Explaining text on the sculpture
- [2007: Opstillling i rhus] The sculpture displayed in front of the Womens Museum
- [2007: The Pregnant Teenager in London] This Bond Is NOT 007 or ....?.. (Helena Mikas in Berlin)
- [2007: The Pregnant Teenager in London] 2007.05.15: Galschiots protest letter to involved NGOs
- [2007: The Pregnant Teenager in London] 2007.05.29: Your Voice Against Poverty bans sculpture (PDF format)
- [2007: The Pregnant Teenager in London] 2007.05.29: Your Voice Against Poverty bans sculpture (Word format)
- [2007: The Pregnant Teenager in London] 2007.05.30: A simple question about sculpture ban - to BOND and Your Voice Against Poverty
- [2007: The Pregnant Teenager in London] 2007.05.30: Tu Voz Contra la Pobreza prohibe una escultura controvertida
- [2007: The Pregnant Teenager in London] 2007.06.14: To Tom Allen, Bond: Stop the spin! (Were still awaiting an answer)
- [2007: The Pregnant Teenager in London] 2007: The Pregnant Teenager in London
- [2007: The Pregnant Teenager in Nicaragua] 2007.05.24: Nicaraguan women die in the name of God (PDF format)
- [2007: The Pregnant Teenager in Nicaragua] 2007.05.24: Nicaraguan women die in the name of God (Word format)
- [2007: The Pregnant Teenager in Nicaragua] 2007: The Pregnant Teenager in Nicaragua
- [2007: The Pregnant Teenager in Nicaragua] 28 de Mayo 2008: Da Internacional de Accin por la salud de las Mujeres (PDF, 6 MB)
- [2007: The Pregnant Teenager in Nicaragua] 37 dead mothers - 80 orphans
- [2007: The Pregnant Teenager in Nicaragua] Cartel con la escultura - de Catlicas por el Derecho a Decidir
- [2007: The Pregnant Teenager in Nicaragua] Program of the campaign
- [2007: The Pregnant Teenager in Nicaragua] Te esperamos
- [2007: The Pregnant Teenager in Nicaragua] Apoye la lucha por la vida de la mujer en Nicaragua!
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi - Kenya] Asembo - a village near lake Victoria
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi - Kenya] Forum Theatre
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi - Kenya] Heading for Asembo
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi - Kenya] Last day on Kasarani Stadium
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi - Kenya] Opening demonstration
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi - Kenya] Preparations ahead of the WSF
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi - Kenya] Putting up the sculpture ahead of the WSF
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi - Kenya] Teenager with clothes
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi - Kenya] The final demonstration
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi - Kenya] The sculptures on the Kasarani Stadium
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi - Kenya] Workshop: Art - a powerful communication
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] 2007.01.13: Crucifix on its way to Kenya
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] 2007.02.01: Prostration before Fundamentalists or Prevention of new Mohammed Crises? (PDF)
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] 2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] A Crucifix using Christian symbol shocks
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] Asembo - a village near lake Victoria
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] Forum Theatre
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] Heading for Asembo
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] Inside of leaflet, full version (PDF, 1.2 MB)
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] Inside of leaflet, reduced version (PDF, 0.8 MB)
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] Invitation to our workshop: Art a powerful communication (html)
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] Invitation to our workshop: Art a powerful communication (PDF)
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] Last day on Kasarani Stadium
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] Nairobi braces itself as lefties of the world unite, Hans Pienaar - Cape Argus
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] Opening demonstration
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] Our activities at the WSF2007
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] Outside of leaflet, full version (PDF, 1.3 MB)
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] Outside of leaflet, reduced version (PDF, 0.7 MB)
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] Preparations ahead of the WSF
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] Putting up the sculpture ahead of the WSF
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] T-shirt for the AIDOH crew in Nairobi (full format, SMYK 7 MB)
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] T-shirt for the AIDOH crew in Nairobi (PDF format, 17.5 MB)
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] T-shirt for the AIDOH crew in Nairobi (reduced format, 0.7 MB)
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] Teenager with clothes
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] Text of the leaflet
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] The final demonstration
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] The sculptures on the Kasarani Stadium
- [2007: World Social Forum, Nairobi, Kenya] Workshop: Art - a powerful communication
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] AIDS situation in Texas (SIECUS)
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] Art for Humanity, South Africa
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] Background: Sexual and Reproductive Rights - a selection of links
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] Campaa - por una Convencin de los Derechos Sexuales y los Derechos Reproductivos
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] Den Globale Mundkurv (Sex & Samfund)
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] Documentation: Universal access to sexual and reproductive health is needed more than ever!!
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] Effective Sex Education (Advocates for Youth)
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] EU kommer ikke uden om den katolske kirke - Af Brita Stenstrup, Berlingske Tidende 11. januar 2004
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] Family Health International - with facts about the HIV/AIDS situation in many countries
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] Katolikkerne har sat sig tungt p abortdebatten, af Brigitte Alfter i Information 12.06.2006
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] KONDOM-KRIGEN (Udenrigsministeriet)
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] Kondom-modstander bliver familieminister (
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] Religise bnd strammer om EU (Kvinfo)
- [Background: a selection of links about Sexual and Reproductive Rights] RFSU Riksfrbundet fr sexuell upplysning
- [Daily blogs from AIDOH-girls on big and small events in Nairobi] 22. January '07: Arrival in Nairobi
- [Daily blogs from AIDOH-girls on big and small events in Nairobi] A change of the tide
- [Daily blogs from AIDOH-girls on big and small events in Nairobi] Peace march from Kibera slum to Uhuru Park
- [Daily blogs from AIDOH-girls on big and small events in Nairobi] The first day in Kasarani
- [Jennifer Barron, USA] 1. Jenni Barron modelling the sculpture In the Name of God
- [Press clippings] 1995: The UN Happening - The Silent Death (PDF Format, 27 MB)
- [TV documentary] Lars Krabbes remarkable photo series about the creation of the sculpture
- [Videos from the WSF2007 in Nairobi - In the Name of God is exhibited] Teenageren p WSF i Nairobi ( 13 MB)
- [Videos from the WSF2007 in Nairobi - In the Name of God is exhibited] Teenageren p WSF i Nairobi ( 30 MB)
- [Videos from the WSF2007 in Nairobi - In the Name of God is exhibited] Teenageren p WSF i Nairobi ( 54 MB)
- [Videos from the WSF2007 in Nairobi - In the Name of God is exhibited] Teenageren p WSF i Nairobi (110 MB)
- [Videos from the WSF2007 in Nairobi - In the Name of God is exhibited] Teenageren p WSF i Nairobi (218 MB)
- [Writings about Jens Galschiot] 2006.08.12: Fundamentalismens offer (Fyens Stiftstidende)
- [Writings by Jens Galschiot] Er WTO aktivisterne nyttige idioter? - Artikel til Socialisten
- Criticism Of Companies [to the top]
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] M + R greed delay (28.05.97)
- [2001: Just do it - Nike sculpture] 1. The wax model
- [2001: Just do it - Nike sculpture] 2. The casting
- [2001: Just do it - Nike sculpture] 2001.05.04: Dying boy on the main street in Odense
- [2001: Just do it - Nike sculpture] 2001.05.14: Tore arm of dying boy in the Main Street of Odense.
- [2001: Just do it - Nike sculpture] 2002.09.19: Asem4people: Watch out for social justice!
- [2001: Just do it - Nike sculpture] 3. The sculpture - just finished
- [2001: Just do it - Nike sculpture] 4. The sculpture in the pedestrian street of Odense
- [2001: Just do it - Nike sculpture] 5. The sculpture in Odense after being vandalised
- [2001: Just do it - Nike sculpture] CorpWatch - Holding Corporations Accountable
- [2001: Just do it - Nike sculpture] Just do It - Nike sculpture
- [2001: The Tenth Plague - an Art Performance about Greed and Death] The Tenth Plague - a short description
- [2001: The Tenth Plague - an Art Performance about Greed and Death] The Tenth Plague - An Art Performance about Greed and Death and Medicine
- [2005: The Golden Calf] "De neergang van het gouden kalf." - The Golden Calf is taken down
- [2005: The Golden Calf] 1. Construction of the basic shape
- [2005: The Golden Calf] 2. Wax modelling
- [2005: The Golden Calf] 3. Modelling and casting the final sculpture
- [2005: The Golden Calf] 4. Gold coating
- [2005: The Golden Calf] 5. Mounting of the sculpture before departure
- [2005: The Golden Calf] 6. Preparations and the procession in Ghent
- [2005: The Golden Calf] 7. Setting up the sculpture in front of the banks
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Aanvraag december 2005: Het Gouden Kalf. Een jaar langer in Gent?
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Beeldhouwer met een boodschap (De Standaard, 2005.11.24)
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Belgian press clippings
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Danish press clippings
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Flyer, front page
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Flyer, rear page
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Galschits guldkalv i Belgien (TV 2)
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Galschits guldkalv skaber opsigt (Ritzau 2005.11.23 - trykt i flere dagblade)
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Gentse bankkantoren krijgen 'gouden kalf' (Het Laatste Nieuws, 2005.11.23)
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Gold Fever Raging in Belgium (PDF Format)
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Gold Fever Raging in Belgium (Word Format)
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Gouden kalf kijkt uit over Gentse Kouter (Het Nieuwsblad, 2005.11.24)
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Gouden kalf op Kouter (AVS tv clip - search for 2005.11.23)
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Gouden Kalf siert Gentse Kouter
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Gouden kalf trekt door Gent (vrtnieuws, tv clip)
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Guldkalv ska pminna om etik (Svenska Dagbladet)
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Guldkalv som protest (DR Fyn)
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Guldkalven - oktober 2007 (fuldt format)
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Guldkalven - oktober 2007 (reduceret format)
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Interview met Inez Louwagie, woordvoerder Netwerk Vlaanderen
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Mon argent. Sans scrupules?
- [2005: The Golden Calf] My money. Clear conscience?
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Netwerk Vlaanderen: Belgian bank groups invest in companies that abuse human rights
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Netwerk Vlaanderen: Goudkoorts - Artistiek beleg van de banken
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Photos - Goudkoorts (Links Ecologisch Forum)
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Photos of the event - 1
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Photos of the event - 2
- [2005: The Golden Calf] The Golden Calf
- [2005: The Golden Calf] The Golden Calf - a short description
- [2005: The Golden Calf] The plate of the sculpture
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Verslag van Goudkoorts - door Mathias Bienstman
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Video about the Gold Fever event
- [2005: The Golden Calf] Where are the borders? - A summary of the new report from Netwerk Vlaanderen
- [2006: 3 x Galschit 1 x Koch p Gammelgaard i Herlev] 2006: 3 x Galschit 1 x Koch
- [2006: 3 x Galschit 1 x Koch p Gammelgaard i Herlev] Jens Galschit p Gammelgaard (PDF-format, 40 MB)
- [2015: Debatmde om skattely] 2015.04.14: Debat om skattely (Arbejderen)
- [2015: Debatmde om skattely] 2015.04.27: Galschit huser skattelydebat (FyensStiftstidende)
- [2015: Debatmde om skattely] Ls mere om Mellemfolkeligt Samvirkes kampagne mod skattely (U-lands.nyt)
- [About Human Rights in China] Amnesty International launches global campaign against internet repression
- [About Human Rights in China] Yahoo! & Chinese Censorship
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] BankTrack - a critical eye on the private financial sector
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] CEE Bankwatch Network
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] Corporate Europe Observer (CEO)
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] Corporate Watch, GB
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] CorpWatch, USA
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] Economistas sin Fronteras
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] Ethical Investments - a collection of links
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] Investeringsforeningen Banco
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] Merkur - en bank for bredygtig samfundsudvikling
- [Ethical Investments - a collection of links] Netwerk Vlaanderen
- [Sustainable Development - a collection of links] GM Watch
- [Videos about The Golden Calf] Guldkalven - oktober 2007 (fuldt format)
- [Videos about The Golden Calf] Guldkalven - oktober 2007 (reduceret format)
- [World Trade - a collection of links] - everything thats not happening at the WTO
- [World Trade - a collection of links] Global Exchange
- [World Trade - a collection of links] GM Watch
- [World Trade - a collection of links] Nyt fra WTO-topmdet i Hong Kong
- Criticism Of Governments [to the top]
- [1995: The Silent Death - a happening at the UN Social Summit, Copenhagen] 1995: The UN Happening - The Silent Death (PDF Format, 27 MB)
- [1995: The Silent Death - a happening at the UN Social Summit, Copenhagen] The Silent Death - a happening at the UN Social Summit, Copenhagen 1995
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] 2005.01.22: Candlelight ceremony at Pillar of Shame
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] 2005.01.25: UPI: China ponders how to bury Zhao
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] 2005.05.04: Beijing Closes Tiananmen Square on Student Anniversary (Reuters and Epoch Times)
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] 2005.05.30: Calls on Chinas Leaders to Rethink June 4 (Radio Free Asia)
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] 2010.04.26: Movern Columna de la vergenza
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] A Ball of Shame (04.06.98)
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] Art in Defence of Humanism
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] Breakneck Economy
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] Clarification - To all members of the Urban Council
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] CNN June 4, 1997: Final Hong Kong memorial for Tiananmen massacre?
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] Declaration of Mounting The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] Footprints of history engraved in the plinth
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] Interview with sculptor of the Pillar of Shame - Hong Kong Voice of Democracy
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] Jahrestag des Tiananmen-Massakers, Rhein-Zeitung 1997
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] M + R greed delay (28.05.97)
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] Minnesota Daily 06/05/1997: Hong Kong remembers Tiananmen Square
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] Online NewsHour June 4, 1997: LIGHTING A CANDLE
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] Photo Gallery: Erection of The Pillar of Shame
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] Pillar of Shame arrived (27.05.97)
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] Pillar of Shame displayed in Victoria Park
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong - Chronology May '96 - July '98
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] Pillar of Shame shipped with course to Hong Kong
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] Sack of Lies (29.05.97)
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] the ageless cry, November 10, 2004
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] The Battle of the Pillar - Chaotic Art (28.05.98)
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] The Chinese Pillar of Shame
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] The old cannot kill the young forever
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] The Pillar of Shame 2005
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong, 1997
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] The Pillar of Shame set up in Hong Kong
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] The Pillar remains a potent reminder (Manila Times, June 02, 2004)
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] The preparations of the Hong Kong Pillar of Shame
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] Thousands in Hong Kong Mark Tianamen Massacre (BBC 97)
- [1997: The Pillar of Shame in Hong Kong] Were still alive (September 97)
- [1999: The Pillar of Shame in Mexico] 1999: The Pillar of Shame in Mexico
- [1999: The Pillar of Shame in Mexico] A different Christmas - the Pillar in Acteal (19-12-03)
- [1999: The Pillar of Shame in Mexico] A sculptural outcry, a statement by Jens Galshiot
- [1999: The Pillar of Shame in Mexico] Acteal, 22 December 2003
- [1999: The Pillar of Shame in Mexico] April 18: Setting up the Pillar of Shame in the Chapultapec park
- [1999: The Pillar of Shame in Mexico] Danish sculptor detained in Chiapas, Mexico (13-05-99)
- [1999: The Pillar of Shame in Mexico] From the big plate (explanation and description)
- [1999: The Pillar of Shame in Mexico] Galschiot unwanted in Mexico (15-05-99)
- [1999: The Pillar of Shame in Mexico] Indianere opstiller dansk skulptur (21-02-99)
- [1999: The Pillar of Shame in Mexico] May 16th: Putting up the Pillar in Acteal, Chiapas
- [1999: The Pillar of Shame in Mexico] May 1st: The Pillar at the Zócalo with demonstrating Zapatistas and CLETA's theatre
- [1999: The Pillar of Shame in Mexico] May 2nd: More photos of the Pillar at the Zcalo with Zapatistas
- [1999: The Pillar of Shame in Mexico] May 3rd: The Pillar at the Zcalo, and the removal of it
- [1999: The Pillar of Shame in Mexico] Nevermore a Mexico withour us (indigenous peoples' statement)
- [1999: The Pillar of Shame in Mexico] Next Stop Mexico City
- [1999: The Pillar of Shame in Mexico] The history of the Pillar of Shame
- [1999: The Pillar of Shame in Mexico] The Pillar of Shame in Mexico City (24-04-99)
- [1999: The Pillar of Shame in Mexico] Zapatistas in Mexico City (01-05-99)
- [2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil] 2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil
- [2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil] A Pillar of Shame for Pereiro de Melos murderers
- [2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil] Application to the President of the Parliament on the putting up of the Pillar of Shame
- [2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil] Art Missile Sent towards Brazil
- [2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil] Brazilian Parliament Debating Pillar of Shame
- [2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil] Danish Pillar of Shame finds Permanent Site in Northern Brazil
- [2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil] Donation of the Pillar of Shame
- [2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil] Giant Christmas Present for Brazilian Parliament
- [2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil] Letter to Brazilian parliamentarians
- [2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil] Nobel Prize of Injustice to be set up in Brazil
- [2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil] Pillar of Shame in front of Brazilian Parliament
- [2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil] Text of the Bottom Plate
- [2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil] The making of the Brazilian Pillar of Shame (13 pics)
- [2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil] The Pillar of Shame in front of the Parliament - 21.04.2000
- [2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil] The process of making the Plate to the Brazilian Pillar of Shame (11 pics)
- [2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil] The So Joo Batista camp - 24.04.2000
- [2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil] The trip to Eldorado de Carajs - Part 1 - 04.05.2000
- [2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil] The trip to Eldorado de Carajs - Part 2
- [2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil] The trip to Eldorado de Carajs - Part 3
- [2000: The Pillar of Shame in Brazil] The trip to Eldorado de Carajs - Part 4
- [2000: The Silent Death 5 - at the UN Social Summit, Geneva] 'Drop The Dept' - Folder from the art manifestation
- [2000: The Silent Death 5 - at the UN Social Summit, Geneva] The Silent Death 5 years later - at the UN Social Summit, Geneva 2000
- [2002: Freedom to Pollute - a Comment to the World Summit, Johannesburg] Description of the Project
- [2002: Freedom to Pollute - a Comment to the World Summit, Johannesburg] EU-Summit in Copenhagen, 13-15 December 2002
- [2002: Freedom to Pollute - a Comment to the World Summit, Johannesburg] Freedom to Pollute
- [2002: Freedom to Pollute - a Comment to the World Summit, Johannesburg] Freedom to pollute - short description
- [2002: The Hunger March] Hungermarch
- [2005-2014: Balancing Act - a Sculptural Manifestation on Sustainability] 2009.12.10: 18 meter hj Balanceskulptur rejst ved Fredericia
- [2005: Diary from Hong Kong] 2005.12.09-10: First days in Hong Kong with bother about obstruction
- [2005: Diary from Hong Kong] 2005.12.09-10: First days in Hong Kong with bother about obstruction
- [2005: Diary from Hong Kong] 2005.12.11: First Sunday demonstration
- [2005: Diary from Hong Kong] 2005.12.11: One more day of obstructions
- [2005: Diary from Hong Kong] 2005.12.12: Sculptures finally put up
- [2005: Diary from Hong Kong] 2005.12.12: The sculptures put up
- [2005: Diary from Hong Kong] 2005.12.13-18: Sculptures in Victoria Park
- [2005: Diary from Hong Kong] 2005.12.13-21: Summary
- [2005: Diary from Hong Kong] 2005.12.13: Demonstration on the opening day of the WTO Summit
- [2005: Diary from Hong Kong] 2005.12.18: Final Demonstration
- [2005: Diary from Hong Kong] 2005.12.20: Last day in Hong Kong
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.11.01: WTO summit in Hong Kong - Chinese press release (PDF Format)
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.11.03: The sculptures are loaded into the container in Galschiots workshop
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.11.03: WTO summit - Danish Mad cow Disease heading for Hong Kong (PDF Format)
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.11.03: WTO summit - Danish Mad cow Disease heading for Hong Kong (Word Format)
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.06: Useful information about Galschiot in Hong Kong (PDF Format)
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.06: Useful information about Galschiot in Hong Kong (Word Format)
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.09-10: First days in Hong Kong with bother about obstruction
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.10: Hong Kong authorities political obstruction against Galschiots sculptures
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.11: First Sunday demonstration
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.12: Mad Cow Decease in Victoria Park
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.12: The sculptures put up
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.13-18: Sculptures in Victoria Park
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.13-21: Summary
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.13: Demonstration on the opening day of the WTO Summit
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.13: Happening Tuesday 13th Dec. at Victoria Park (PDF Format)
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.13: Happening Tuesday 13th Dec. at Victoria Park (Word Format)
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.15: Summary of events
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.18: Final Demonstration
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] 2005.12.20: Last day in Hong Kong
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong during WTO Conference
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] SF: Postkort fra Hong Kong
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] The Pillar of Shame 2005
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] WTO leaflet - inside (good medium quality, 7,6 MB)
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] WTO leaflet - inside (PDF printing quality, 42,6 MB)
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] WTO leaflet - inside (web quality, 0,7 MB)
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] WTO leaflet - outside (good medium quality, 6,1 MB)
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] WTO leaflet - outside (PDF printing quality, 25.9 MB)
- [2005: Mad Cow Disease in Hong Kong] WTO leaflet - outside (web quality, 0,5 MB)
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] 17 Jahre nach Tiananmen - stilles Gedenken in China, Demos in Hongkong
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] China arrests demonstrators June 4, 2006, GOP Video
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] China Silent Again on Tiananmen Anniversary
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] China still silent on Tiananmen Square, Cultural Revolution
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] China's Tiananmen secure on June 4 anniversary
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] China: Hong Kong assinala Tiananmen
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] China: Justice denied for those disabled in 1989 Tiananmen crackdown, AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Chinese Arrest Demonstrators Marking Tiananmen Anniversary
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Church Leader Talks about Tiananmen Massacre
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Herdenking bloedbad van 1989 in Hongkong
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Hong Kong holds Tiananmen vigil
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Internet Keeps Tiananmen Spirit Alive
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Mütter des Tiananmen verlangen Entschädigung für Opfer des 4. Juni
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Open Letter to Gao Zhisheng, Chinese Human Rights Advocate
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Peristiwa Tiananmen Diperingati
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Place Tiananmen : "des incidents politiques survenus au siècle dernier" selon le rgime chinois
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Protesters in China Remember Tiananmen Massacre After 17 Years
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Przemilczana rocznica masakry na Tiananmen
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Quiet Tiananmen anniversary in Beijing, ABC
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Relatives of dead at Tiananmen seek review, The Associated Press
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Security tight for Tiananmen anniversary, indymedia
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Skjerper sikkerheten fr Tiananmen-markering
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Tausende gedenken in Hongkong der Opfer des Tiananmen-Massakers
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Tens of thousands at vigil, The Standard, HK
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] The Tiananmen massacre has not been forgotten! - See the media coverage of commemorative acts 2006
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Thousands gather to mark Tiananmen massacre
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Tian Anmen 17 anni dopo
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Tiananmen
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Tiananmen Mothers Call on China To Reassess 1989 Massacre
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Tiananmen-massakren - Netvrk for Menneskerettigheder i Kina (NMRK)
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Tiananmen: mg mindig tabu Kínában
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Tiananmen’in üzerinden 17 yıl geçti
- [2006: Commemoration of the Tiananmen massacre - a selection of links] Wieder Gedenken an Massaker (taz)
- [2006: Creation of the sculpture] 1. Jenni Barron modelling the sculpture In the Name of God
- [2006: Creation of the sculpture] 2. Jens Galschiot modelling the sculpture in wax
- [2006: Creation of the sculpture] 3. Making the silicone mould
- [2006: Creation of the sculpture] 4. Preparing the casting
- [2006: Creation of the sculpture] 5. Casting the sculpture
- [2006: Creation of the sculpture] 6. The sculpture almost finished
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] 2006.04.28: Sculptural outcry in Athens
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] 2006.04.28: Sculptural outcry in Athens (PDF format)
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] 2006.05.04: Globalized inspiration (PDF format)
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] 2006: European Social Forum, Athens
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] A sculptural outcry
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] Athens Aphorisms, April 2006
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] Greek newspapers interview with Jens Galschiot
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] Indian film festival uses Galschiots sculptures from Hong Kong
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] Inside of leaflet (high resolution, 2.3 MB)
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] Inside of leaflet (PDF format, 253 KB)
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] Outside of leaflet (high resolution, 5.0 MB)
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] Outside of leaflet (PDF format, 354 KB)
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] The AIDOH girls' Friday comment: They are all here
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] The AIDOH girls Saturday comment: Social Forum in Athens - a sculptural war zone
- [2006: European Social Forum, Athens] The sculptures just arrived
- [2006: Inauguration in Copenhagen] Inauguration in front of the Cathedral of Copenhagen
- [2006: Inauguration in front of the Cathedral of Copenhagen] 2006.11.27: Pregnant Teenager Crucified in front of Cathedral (PDF)
- [2006: Inauguration in front of the Cathedral of Copenhagen] 2006.12.21: Crucified Teenager Ignites Debate (PDF)
- [2006: Inauguration in front of the Cathedral of Copenhagen] Bjarne Christensen fra Sex og Samfund holdt tale ved indvielsen foran domkirken