5th of march 1995
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Pictures from the happening

13 MILLION LIVES - A Happening about the silent death- I want to poke at the self-rightiousness and double standards of the Western world. We talk about Human Rights, but will not face the fact that we have the key of solution to the problems of the global inbalance. So says the sculptor Jens Galschiøt Christophersen, who is the man behind the Happening 13 million lives - a symbolic comment to the UN social-summit.

13 million children will die in 1995 due to starvation and lack of basic medical treatment. From tomorrow morning people in Copenhagen will be met by the sight of dead children lying or hanging in the streets and on squares all around the city. The dead children, ragdolls stuffed with red tiledust (all together 750 with a netweight of 14 ton.) will be tied up with chains in the open space of the city.

Millions of "certificates" will during the day be distributed at schools, institutions and public buildings. Each note symbolise a human life. 13 million notes will be distributed (which equals a van full of notes) during the week of the summit. Each certificate has a statement printed in Danish and English about the happening as well as a request to take good care of the note and not treat it with the same indifference as we treat lives of children. One statement has the following text: " In all cultures and religions, the human life is associated with words as "sacred" and "inviolability".

- With these certificates I want to connect death with money. Not untill we lower our standard of living in the Western world, can we prevent the death of another 13 million children next year,says Jens Galschiøt Christophersen.

He is by the way also the man behind the erection of 20 "Inner Beasts" in European cities.

Facts about the Happeningen:
Starting: Monday 6.3 at 8.30 am. from Brolæggerstræde 9. Sack-carts with dolls.

For more information:

Pressconference NGO Forum Thursday 9.3. 95, at 13.30. At the Presscenter The artist and some activist will be present.AIDOH

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1995: The Silent Death - a happening at the UN Social Summit, Copenhagen
Additional Information:
Categories: 1995: The Silent Death - a happening at the UN Social Summit, Copenhagen | Happenings and Art Installations
Sculptures: UN Happening
Type: Press releases
Dates: March 1995
Locations: Copenhagen, Denmark
Co-operators and Helpers: Kulturministeriet | Københavns Kommune | UN Social Summit
Partners: Krakagården | Kulturfabrikken | Social Forum
Sponsors: 1. Majfonden | BUPL | Dansk Socialrådgiverforening | DSB | Ergoterapeut foreningen | Fredsfonden | Funch Fonden | Fællesklubben KUC | Galleri Asbæk | IBM | K-Salat | KAD og SID's Medie og Kulturfond | Lille Skolernes Landsforbund | Lysgaard Fonden | Odense Litograferne ApS | Pædagogisk Medhjælper Forbund | Scenetjenesten og Erhvervstræningsskolen i Odense | Socialpædagogernes Landsforbund / National Federation of Social Educators | Svanholm Gods | Sømændenes Forbund | Søren Gericke | Team-Teateret | Ulla og Sofus Christophersen