Press Release: 28 June, 2000

The Silent Death +5
Activists Pillory the World’s Leaders

On Thursday 29 at 3.00 pm. on Place des Nations, by-passers will be met with
a macabre view of ‘children’s bodies’, a bonfire of ‘bank notes’ and young
people sleeping on the ground.

Danish activists are carrying out the art manifestation to pillory the
vanity and hypocrisy of the solemn speeches by the world’s leaders on
the Social Summit, here in Geneva.

The ‘bank notes’ being burnt, about 13 every minute, represent the
children constantly dying, due to the debt burden of the developing countries.

Do the politicians discussing inside the UN building accomplish more than
the activists sleeping on the ground?
- that is the crucial question raised
by this art manifestation.

The Silent Death +5, in Geneva, is a follow-up of an event carried out by
Danish sculptor Jens Galschiot, during the Social Summit in Copenhagen 1995.
Since then no substantial endeavour has been made to reduce the poverty in
the world. On the contrary, poverty has increased.

The activists assert:
The politicians are to be blamed for the calamity. If they had a sincere
determination, poverty could easily be reduced.

- Is the Silent Death to be continued?

Our permanent address in Denmark:
Art In Defence of Humanism - Jens Galschiot - Banevaenget 22 - DK-5270 Odense N - Denmark
Tel.: (+45) 6618 4058 - Fax: (+45) 6618 4158
E-mail: - Internet:

Relevant documents
  • The Silent Death - a happening at the UN Social Summit, Copenhagen 1995 to the  version of this document  
  • Level Up

    2000: The Silent Death 5 - at the UN Social Summit, Geneva
    Additional Information:
    Categories: 2000: The Silent Death 5 - at the UN Social Summit, Geneva | Happenings and Art Installations
    Themes: Children´s rights | Debt cancellation | Hunger and malnutrition
    Sculptures: Pillar of Shame, Top, No. 1 | UN Happening
    Type: Press releases
    Dates: June 2000
    Locations: Geneva, Switzerland | Place des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
    Co-operators and Helpers: Krakagården
    Partners: Jubilee 2000
    Related Persons and Entities: UN (United Nations)