Tekstboks: #

Portrait of a sculptor


Tekstboks: AIDOH

AIDOH means Art In Defence Of Humanism. It is the denomination encompassing all the activities emanating from Jens Galschiot’s workshop. It was launched in 1995 on the occasion of the UN’s social summit in Copenhagen.

Originally Jens Galschiot had the ambition of creating a world wide forum for artists who use their art in defence of humanism and human rights. However, the resources have not yet been found to realize the project.

More information available at the Internet address http://www.aidoh.dk

An art manifestation carried out November 1997 in co-operation with students and teachers of the ‘Tornbjerg Gymnasium’. On a huge open area 2.500 white crosses were set up. Each of the students and employees had received 5 crosses on which they were asked to write their personal statements on pollution and their visions for sustainable development.

The cross is, indeed, a very strong symbol. Apparently some found it too strong. The cross installation was destroyed by vandals in the dead of night after just one day of exhibition.